This one's simple
We have Sketchup for 3D
So make Layout for 2D (exclusively) drawings, like a mini CAD, and sod the rest.
Ooh look you can rotate your view in Layout (yeah I can do that in Sketchup, and I do know how to export a graphic without another whole app for that).
They need to realize that most people design in 2D, then 3D, so make the software work that way
I don't design in 2D actually - the world around us is 3D so why not start with that?
LayOut is not (and has never been) intended to be a 2D CAD substitute. It's a presentational "extension" of SU (if you want to put it that way) not a 2D drafting/design tool.
Why not use any CAD apps for that? There are even a whole bunch of cheap or even free substitutes for the dinosaur versions.
You ask yourself why is there a free version of SU, why are they pushing SU to the kids at schools? the answer is simple really. We may be a generation that has been taught to work from 2d to 3d but the next generation is a 3D generation from gaming to conception. Have you noticed how kids do not get lost in a 3D model as often as we do (or me) and that comes from an indoctrination of virtual spaces coming from gaming and apps like SU. So why do we need 2D in the first place? well thats because it represents a 3D space and the only way the trades can visualize and utilize a conception or representation is in a 2D format ... until a new way of viewing construction data arrives, and it will in the near future.
3d first