Just practicing (WIP renders)
Very nice, Allan, very nice indeed!
Those are great. My only comment would be that is alot of green. Maybe make the mortar joints show as a concrete color to add some more depth. With all the green it seems to flatten the image. Also maybe add some more splash of color in the plantings. Other than that the lighting is very good.
Nice work Allan.
I actually like it a lot, has a solid feel. The bicycle in one of the images is a great touch.
Very nice indeed. The first shot is great.
Is it a flat roof or will there eventually be gutters and downspouts?
Yeah ... looks a little 'flat'. Camera angle ain't good either. Good start, though. This could turn out real nice.
landscaping looks great... building looks kind of 'flat' though? like all diffuse materials or something? or the lighting is coming from behind maybe?
Thank you all guys for the compliments and suggestions, I know comments coming from you guys are all for the best.
These renders are test and from the looks of it will continue as a personal project, there are some issues with materials and flatness of the scene which I am working on at the moment.
Thank you and I will post some new images as soonest.
very good the two images, especially the first where the sky became very well and there is less noise in the second, but equally this is only a matter of time rendering, good job!!!
Here's an updated image of one of my renders...
Camera 3: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1395/camera3bloom1200copyrz7.jpg
Here's another shot from the same render...
Camera 2: http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/3286/camera2bloom1200copyji0.jpg