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Who figured this out..??
Another strange mystery I received and thought could be "fun" to share...
- Fold a NEW PINK $20 bill in half...
- Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below
- Fold the other end, exactly as before
- Now, simply turn it over...
What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!!
As if that wasn't enough. Here is what you've seen...
Firstly The Pentagon on fire...
Then The Twin Towers.
And now .. look at this!
TRIPLE COINCIDENCE ON A SIMPLE $20 BILL..!!It gets even better!! 9 + 11=$20!!
- Fold a NEW PINK $20 bill in half...
OSAMA = OS AMA = HE LOVES YOU (In spanish)
I quite like these coincidences, they're funny
' BIN LADEN = I'M LOADED in Viennese.
OSAMA BIN LADEN --- Switch the B and the S...
OBAMA SIN LADEN. Wow. Now take the B and the S together to see what all this adds up to...