Anyone Doodle?
I have created literally thousands and thousands of these "doodles" over the years. It's something I do to pass time and I find this type of doodling very relaxing. A few years ago I tossed out all my doodles but I've been keeping them again and now I have several boxes full of books full of pages of doodles. I guess you could say I'm a doodler.
I used to doodle with permanent markers on people at the beach or at bars (women only) - that was fun, though not extremely profitable (at best, a fuzzy phase of my distant past).
Anyone else doodle - if so, please post your doodles.
Happy doodling,
@kwistenbiebel said:
I wouldn't mind having one painted on me though...when it's washable
Opening myself up for a good laugh here... This was last summer in Mexico.
I have more.Todd
Is doodle a real word?
Nice looking drawings.
They look indeed much like those tribal tattoos from the nineties....
the ones people are having removed these daysI wouldn't mind having one painted on me though...when it's washable
Nice stuff.
Nice doodles. I tend to doodle every now and then as well, helps to pass the time in long drawn out lessons
Pretty sure doodle is a word, cant see why it wouldnt be.
LOL, Todd is that a rainbow fruit on your arm?, I see you ready for San Francisco.
The picture even matches the avatar.
It's like the 'before' and 'after' of the big coming outJust kidding
, it looks as if you had fun.
If I drop my wallet in San Francisco, I'll be kicking it to Palo Alto before I pick it up. I was inspired from the movie Wild Hogs. My family thinks I'm a geek.
And back on topic, I don't randomly doodle that much, but I will sketch out a piece of furniture every so often.
i doodle constantly, i must have about 6 A2 scrapbooks full of drawings, i just can't stop, it's insane.
nothing good enough to show here though.
This was my ideas/inspiration book for my last project:
ok, plucked up the courage to show off some doodles.
this is what i have created today while at work,
didn't realised i had done most of this till i looked at it.pav
Here are some of mine. . .I love to draw.
I wish i could doodle like you david!
What he said, David those are great.
Awesome work dave!!
thanks . . .means a lot coming from you guys. Now if I could at least approach Solo's world as far as 3D rendering goes . ..
David, your stuff is what I'd consider "far & above" simply doodling - great sketches - thanks for sharing them - inspiring.
dude, that's just plain amazing.
loving your work
Thanks. . .I did these mostly while sitting in Church. (well, not the colored ones, of course) In fact the little kid in the neck tie is a Deacon at our Church Passing out our Sacrament. All 12 year old kids seem to wear their shirts and ties too big.
It looks like he is putting a cigarette out, IMO!