[Idea] - Sketchy Panner
Sketchy Panner has been in my mind for sometime..
here's the idea: sketchy styles are great but they are not detailed.
when i have had big plans so far, i have been using this trick:
i zoom in close in plan view (no perspective) > save the scene > move a little > save the scene > move a little > save the scene etc etc etc - later of course i join all the bits together and get a really great detailed sketched effect (sorry i can't post the sample).if i was a ruby master i'd go about it this way:
1 - get the extents of the model
2 - set a definable grid to contain the model
3 - find the top center of each square (like the vertex of a pyramid)
4 - save a scene in top viewat this point one can apply the preferred style and batch export the jpg scenes via animation.
if the ruby could get the extents of each grid properly, alignment in PS/Gimp would be a matter of minutes - if not it would stil save many hours (at least at my speed).
the look of the style changes slightly as you move the model but for the sketchy effect it is not a great problem...
what do the masters think?