The telectroscope
hey, this is REALLY cool. its called the Telectroscope (say "tell-eck-tro-scope"), there is one in England and one in New York and they allow you to see whats going on at the other one!
like, suppose you are at the brooklyn bridge. you can walk allitle and get to the new york telectroscope. you can actualy see, in real time, whats going on at the telectroscope at the London city hall. and whats cooler is that viewers in london can see the brooklyn bridge and viewers in NYC can see the tower bridge. here is the link:
i think we should arange all the SU enthuziasts in the states to fly out to NYC, and all the british users go to London and, well, you get it. it would be a great chance for everyone to meet. but there's no audio, so you cant talk from NYC to London. but many people use white boards to communicate. ie: write on the white board, hold it up for people on the other side to see, wait for other persons responce, rinse, repeate.oh, one little thing, i think it closes on june 15th.
so we'd have to arange this fast, if anyone wants to do it. anyone with me?
seriously?!?!?! no one's interested?!?!? doesnt this sound realy cool?!?! can someone reply?
please? -
Remember the famous world of Urbicandes and the Obscure Cities By Schuiten & Peeters
I'll be in NYC on the 15th of June but alas "transitting" at JFK...
So it's like a big webcam with no sound?
I'll try to check out the one at the London end next weekend.It looks to be an intriguing piece of installation art, produced by the same company (Artichoke) that managed the mechanical extreavaganza...The Sultan's Elephant in London a couple of years ago.
you are right alan, same people that did sultans elephant. and no, its more complicated than a giant webcam with no sound. use the link in my first post, you'll see