Draw a 3d/cad drawing on your mobile phone. Possibilities..
I was bored while commuting the other day so was surfing the net on my phone and found this. It's free, very basic but it works, I don't think you can enter units though. It got me thinking, would it be possible to create a simple floorplan drawing tool for a mobile phone?
That would be very cool, i can imagine that would ease the boredom a lot. I wonder how easy it would be to do for the iphone?
Well I think it would be quite easy to do a 2d cad / technical drawing program, as most phones have cursors which could be used to navigate an xy plane. Teavuihuang's app works shows the potential for this. Incidentally I have a sony ericson, not a nokia that the app was designed for but it runs fine.
I think a more robust app like this could be extremely useful for drawing on-site surveys accurately rather than fumbling around with a paper pad.