Skin.rb Files
The download links refer to the old forum and will not let me download. Is it possible to upload them to this forum?
Ben, they should be updated now. Thanks for notifying us.
Thats great. Thanks.
How do I load icons for this script?
This might help.
When I download
Versio 2.2(current)
I get file.php which I was throwing away because I couldn't do anything with it,
I opened it in TextEdit ( I am a Mac ) and discovered it was a text file, I renamed it to skin.rb. I copied it to the plugins folder.
Downloading the icons I get file.php which is a folder with icons and skin.rb which I throw. I load the folder 'skin' into plugins.
After a little time I got it to work, looking good, thanks.
But, how do I know for sure which version I have ?
Is there any documentation ?
Is there anyway to put a comment in the header of the skin.rb file so I would know for sure ?
Are there any basic guidelines as to how folders and files should appear in the plugins folder ?
Many thanks.
ummmm... i cant get this 2 work. i put it in the plugins directory, fine, but when i start SketchUp, nothing changes.
.any ideas....?
before start sketchup, check in plug-ins dir(from too)
skin.rb - (rename, by deleting 22)and if skin-extension was unloaded, check it in prefs dialog(but for me this feature not works properly)
I have it with the original name... Hm...
Go to Window (menu) > Preferences > Extensions and activate the tool. A toolbar of 4 buttons should appear.
Also you can use it from Tools > D. B. Tools without the toolbar. -
Hi Csaba. Have you current?
Version 2.2(current) - has only 2 functions(2 buttons in toolbar) - "Clean" and "Skin"you was right about turn off...why does toolbar switch off?(many problems with sCRapy toolbars...Jim discovery at his blog)
Thanks gaieus, never thought to look there. i'd looked all over, everywhere(or so i thought), and it turns out that it was right under my nose.
But i haveanother problem: only 2 of the 4 buttons appear, and i do have the latest version. and the icons for the buttons appear. Strange, huh?
What do the tooltips say on the buttons? (Maybe I don't have the latest version - actually I don't use two of the buttons and don't even really know what they are for...)
you downloaded only rb file...also need zip with icon-images for toolbar
unpack into
you will have such structure:
+plugins\- skin\ //(dir with images)
- skin.rb
"Skin" - Connects the two selected sides
"Clean" - Removes all coplanar or empty selected edges -
Whoa. sorry if this is off topic, but when browsing my plugins folder i found out what went wrong with a plugin that i installed(or tried to)...5 months ago
. yep, 5 months. but i still don't see what went wrong with this one
hi there all... the latest download has really just 2 icons but i see people who have 4 icons for this script????
Can we have a description of the script?
Hi all!
Here is the originally post of this script... There is explained in detail. -
Men... this is completely awesome!!!
ver 2.2 works perfect... but in a non developer language, what will clean do?