Give it some lick
Tongue chair by Pierre Paulin:
I've got anothe one cooking which will hopefully get rid of the bumpy surface on the foreground chair. I'll put it up when it's finished.
p.s. sorry for the terrile thread title, im not feeling very imaginative.
New one:
And for comparison:
Apollo chair- Patrick Norguet
those last two images are good. can you tell us woh you modelled them and what renderer did you use.
I modelled thme both, and used indigo 1.0.9 to render, render times where about 3 hours each.
edit: i dont know if you were tlaking aobut this one?
because thats a picture i was just posting it for comparison against the render.
Looks nice but you forgot to SubD the base of the Apollo chair
I did subd it actually, although now you mention it i reckon it could probably do with a couple more iterations.