Gallery pics..
Is this gallery just for SketchUp.. or is it for showing pics from other programs to?
Should really be just SU, but if theres non SU stuff in an SU scene it doesnt matter.
I see. Thanks
@remus said:
Should really be just SU, but if theres non SU stuff in an SU scene it doesnt matter.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think that some time ago we had a problem about that, i don´t remember it in detail but i guess someone was posting work done in other program, and it generated a big discussion on the subject.
Is this the thread your thinking of?
I read it a while ago, and as far as i can remember it sort of rounded of saying tht this is an SU forum, but that shouldnt mean bits of stuff from other programs shouldnt be allowed.
I tihnk the issue with the stuff posted in that thread was that it wasnt SU at all. It had just been imported in to SU, not that makes it any worse of a render.
remus, that's the one!
tks for reminding me, i guess it´s all about comon sense on what is or not a skecthup project, but i guess maybe kakang, should read it to know what is the more or less the boundery no?
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Bruce...but partly. I wish to see all the rendering possibilities posted here, but would like to see straight SU export along with them as well: as a reference point for the rendering, and also, absolutely!, for the same reason you stated.
I believe that most if not all of us are using SU as a primary modelling application.
And I believe as You will agree, that is the point of this forum. So whatever
is produced in Su as a primary modeler and rendered or post processed with
a second party application is logical and acceptable.
What is a point of modeling in 3D max and rendering in V-ray just for the
purpose of showing off. Now what percentage of what –I wouldnt go into that here.But on the other hand some work as You have pointed out as a reference
point might be a good idea. The problem with that is that people might start
misusing this isue by posting everything and then we will become something
like a push and pull forum - an architectural designer community or something else.This is my personal opinion and as someone said - not of a rational mind.
I have placed this issue for a rewiev with the mods ,we will discuss it and
try to find the best solution.Cheers ,
Mateo. -
Mateo, I may have missed your point (forgive me if I have) but all I meant ask for was an example of the straight SU export to accompany the sweet PR and other renders already being posted here...for the reasons stated. I definitely don't want to go back to two galleries, and I absolutely think the presentation rendering of SU models is appropriate to these forums!
@unknownuser said:
but all I meant ask for was an example of the straight SU export to accompany the sweet PR and other renders already being posted here
I agree with You Tom,
Sorry I must have misread that You meant posting other accomplishments in other applications and comparing them to SU`s possibilities.