Why would you like the features you requested to be added?
Me, I'd mainly like SU to be able to handle high poly models better. Why? Well, not because I have a deep-felt desire to model semi-pornographic CG babes. Though that is, of course, a worthwhile endeavour.
In the request thread, The Coen commented that we should be realistic. I find that a valid suggestion. Nevertheless, asking for hp support is, I feel, realistic. How many of us import hp furniture models into their interiors? How many put hp plants in their exteriors?
Even without plants, an elaborate model can be quite frustrating to work on in SU. My point is: SU's already good at it's "core business" (I think we can agree on that), but it could be, and should be, a lot better - and to make that possible, hp support is a must.
I think multi core support is pretty linked in with what you said, stinkie, As generally more cores=more power=more polys, at least thats how i hope it works. Im also pretty certain these 2 things need to be introduced on to SU, otherwise people will get bored and use soemthing else.
And more improtantly, its just really annoying when you want to try and build somethign photoreal for a render but you cant because its over 100,000 polys!
@remus said:
(...) generally more cores=more power=more polys, at least thats how i hope it works.
I have no idea if this is indeed how it works. Does anyone else know?
(Totally off-topic: I've just discovered the Czernobyl smiley:
Yes the number of cores, but also the amount of Physical RAM and GPU (graphics card) matter in that perspective.
Unfortunately, when the softwares code is bad or not adapted to the new technologies, all the hardware candy just doesn't add the extra value.
I could easily swap my 8-core Mac Pro for an antique Pentium IV and never feel the difference when using SU (sad but true).
Bug splats all over the place when working on (mildly) complex geometry is something that I try to get used the same way I try to stay calm in heavy traffic, which is a daily given nowadays over here -
Ah, hp support ... imagine what killer app we'd have! Surely the rock climbing, base jumping and bronzed alpha males at Google HQ are aware of the possibilities.
I simply cannot imagine that they aren't at least considering improving SU's support of hp models.