Has it been, so long?? or so long (ya big jerk)?
Congratulations Shaun!
Nice to have you back . -
Shaun, that's quite a bundle of joy you have there. Congratulations to a new father, from a recent father (before I became a father, I didn't know how to share the joy of new parents
). So you moved while your wife was pregnant? That must have been quite an effort.
Mateo, I really like your quote. True, too true.
Yeah, we did move when my wife was pregnant, but I did it all, and it really wasn't too bad. I find it very easy to keep a good attitude when you know what rewards are waiting..Chuck - man, that's a wordy reply.. I've gotta hit you back on that tip:
You are right, I figured it would be done in a month and a half, add on another 45% on top, and that would be about right... well, I didn't count on the asbestos that had to be removed, and that set me back a few weeks, and then I figured - how long can it possibly take to finish the basement too?etc...
your comment of bravery reminds me though of when I was purchasing my baseboards. I had to find a decent solution, because the walls/floor gap in places (with the hardwood) was up to 1" - mostly baseboards come to 5/8" or 3/4" and that would leave me with gaps of floor - so I chose Pediment - 1 1/4" wide!!! When I was purchasing my 400' of the stuff, the guy looks at me and says "you are a real hero. A champion among men", I had to tell him I wasn't using it for the top of windows, like you are supposed to - but for baseboards..!I like your idea about the sweetspot and giving extremes as choices for the client - I won't be giving up - but I may change my strategy, and I appreciate your comments. - I'm looking forward to seeing some of your new work - like this new animation!
And Ross, I almost forgot - your comments about my photography are too kind, I will look around and find some photos to post that I think to be interesting and different, truthfully, I'm much more inspired by the art of many who have posted on this and the other forums. Not just the final images, but the model, animation, idea, talent in woodwork, programming - really, it's all so inspiring, and I am very happy to be back in this community.
Wizard, spotted near local scene of great joy, is believed to be Level 2 even though she was loosely disguised as a yard gnome. Film at eleven.
too funny Carvaggio, too funny. Promise me one thing, that you'll lay off that sweet Kansas Peyote!
Thought I'd give a link to my blog - there are some photos of my daughter on there, and some text etc. I just started it earlier this week, so.. don't go expecting too much - I just wanted a place to connect with all my friends!
I just found this thread. Congratulation, Shaun. Baby girls are special. She'll have you wrapped around her dainty little finger soon enough, if not already! BTW, babies generally gain about an ounce a day for the first month or so.
Ditto Ron, so did I....
All the Best with the 'wee little angel' Shaun... my baby girl is now nearly 5 now; don't miss a day of her, they go vertical real quick!!!