A different wet tech...
looks really good, tom!
Nice work Tom, it looks great.
Mateo. -
Very nice Tom. Great work.
Thanks guys...I'm convinced to procede with this tech (was before, but sure helps to have a few fans :`) Best, Tom.
oh really great , how did u got that? where is the way and what is the tecnique?
Another great render Tom. I'm getting tired of saying that!!
I like these a lot. Am I correct in observing that you have toned down your colour palette a little? We Northeners seem to like them somewhat subdued
Nice effect Tom. I was a little confused with the 4th image. It took me a little while the 'read / see' the tree as a tree. I think in this situation more 'shadow' play is needed but I think its well worth pursuing and developing this technique.
tom u should be a paintor because u re really good
Are these hand painted?
No, digital...and not much painting at all (some of the growies are custom creations that have a "painted" feel, I think).
When this old thread popped up a couple of weeks ago (during the forum move) I went searching for the PSP file to show me the layer config...but alas, it has gone the way of the baseball cards in that box in the basement. I can see I used the smooth tool on the straight SU jpeg, probably overlayed that with itself to punch up the colors (whether they needed it or not :`), then topped it off with a black dots "texture" burned in.
There is more, to be sure, but I am at a loss...and I haven't had the time to try to recreate. More later...and thanks for your support.
i am waitng for your tot plz
Unbelievable... I thought they were hand painted... I can't tell the difference!