Photoshop Dialogue Boxes
I'm having a great deal of difficulty trying to get Photoshop's dialogue boxes to appear on screen so I can enter data or adjust sliders.
I think the problem arises because I am on holiday away from my usual dual 17" monitor setup and have to use a single 15" monitor instead.
When I try to - say, change the size of the canvas of the image I'm working on - the dialogue box where I input the dimensions I want appears off screen so I cannot see it. It also locks most of the menus so that the only way to proceed is to close down Photoshop using the Task Manager and start again.
I have made sure the Display Properties>Settings>Advanced [Windows XP Pro] are set to using a single monitor of lower resolution and refresh rate and everything else seems to work fine - except for Photoshop [6.0].
I have tried to find some way of centering the dialogues on the Net without and success.
Any ideas?
does the trick ALT+Space(gives the system menu), M(ove) then left/right on keyboard and moving the mouse works ? (try it first on a normal window, e.g. Explorer)
if not reset the preferences as explained here
TBD - Your 'trick' using Alt+Space>M[ove]>direction arrows, works just fine. You have saved me heaps of frustration and wasted [holiday] time. Is this a Windows or a Photoshop 'trick'? Are there any others?
Thank you very, very much.
here are some
I use mostly Win Logo key combinations and HoeKey/WinKey program to build my own combos (Win+S - Start SketchUp)
Very Interesting . . . .
Thanks again TBD
I've had this problem too, many times, since I got a 24" screen.
I didn't know the trick "Alt+Space>M[ove]>direction arrows", the only solution I've found then was to delete the Adobe PhotoShop config files. They are in C:/Documents and settings/your_user_name/Application Data/Adobe/Photoshop/your_ps_version/Adobe Photoshop Settings.
When you re-start PS, everything is re-initialized and every dialog box stands at the center of the screen (but you've lost your customization too)