Select Smooth ruby
Hi Didier, I tried to use your Select Smooth ruby to select all the hidden lines in a component I imported from ACAD (a large site plan with parking and vegetation islands) I had made them out of regions in ACAD so that they would import nicely into SU for me... but regions have a drawback - they triangulate in SU, and hide the edges of the triangulations. So... I was looking for a script to quickly delete those hidden edges for me, but the select smooth ruby does not select the hidden lines, only the smooth ones.
I tried renaming the ruby script and changing the word smooth everywhere in it to 'hidden' but this did not work.... will not load into SU properly now.
workaround for selecting hidden lines:
turn off 'view hidden geom'
select all items you can see
turn on 'view hidden geom'
use invert selection ruby script
you should now have only hidden geometry selected
delete selected hidden lines