Community Project : Development of a Sketchup Benchmark Test
Have been thinking about writing this myself for a while but time has been wanting: A benchmark application that would evaluate machine hardware specifically based on Sketchup performance should not be too difficult to write. Such a utility would be fantastically useful when evaluating new machines before purchase and also to test suspected performance degradation based on earlier results. It would help to show when existing machines start to fall behind against newer technology and assist in making unemotional upgrade decisions. It could also help us in building the ultimate SU workstation!
So gentlemen, why don't we put our heads together on this one and develop a spec before rushing off and developing 20 variants in isolation.
Any takers? -
I'll take that as a no then...
how about loading a complex model (with textures, transparent materials, sun activated, ...) and typing in Ruby Console Test.time_display