Green Toaster's Car Sketches
How do I do it? I was hoping the images showing the progression would be self-explanatory but maybe they're not.
I reckon I need to do some more videos of the different techniques used in this car - I'm still trying new stuff - there are many different ways to create and edit geometry w/SketchUp - it's always fascinating and fun. I seriously doubt any of the techniques I'm using are original or very efficient.
One of my favorite math professors used to say "The best mathematicians are the laziest" - that sort of sums up how I use SketchUp - get in, whip it around, get out - just something fast and move on - a concept tool to investigate and jot down an idea or two. Besides, I have no patience, time or talent for "real" CAD work.
I may have an opportunity this Sunday to create a few video tutorials for this car - or another one.
Happy Sketching,
That would be amazing. I thank you in advance!
Really strange, but my maths teacher said exactly the same thing.
. . . a little more work on this one . . .
Now this one is really awesome, marketable material
Thanks Marian.
Here are a couple more super-quick "blocky concept" models - may have potential for development but I'm already swamped with Grad school crap.
. . . I'm not wild about this car but I'm posting it because I think you can see how to move from one stage to another . . . if you look at each image, and you know a little about SU, you can probably figure out how I do these . . . I'm sure there's a better way . . . no doubt . . . happy Sketching,
. . . another ultra-quicky - something a wee bit different . . . ugly different . . .
Not that anyone will probably notice, or care, but I'm taking a two week hiatus - there's nothing wrong - I need to refocus my priorities because of graduate school, work, computer problems, elusively-wicked guitar riffs & life in general. I must put the needs before the wants - this will be a short, necessary adjustment phase to get things back on track.
I'll post again on 29-Jan-09, or so.
Happy Sketching - rock on!
That last one reminds me of the Volkswagon Buggy
Wow, I just spent almost 3 hours going through this thread (and others that were referenced), downloaded two rb's to try out too. From your first posted picture to your most recent work I enjoyed seeing how much you have improved in the last year. Doing the organic curved and rounded surfaces have been the bane of my SketchUp experience and seeing what you have accomplished has given me quite a bit of inspiration to try this out. Keep on keepin' on
Thanks for the comments.
@unknownuser said:
I'll post again on 29-Jan-09, or so.
Well, I couldn't keep myself from SketchUp any longer, so here's another very quick concept sketch.
Happy Sketching,
. . . turle car . . . will it lay eggs?
. . . another quick sketch - what else, eh . . . this one is in what I call "Concept phase 3" . . . needs lots of more work & development, but you can get the general idea - I hope . . . it's hard to believe this thread has over 25K hits - when will it end?
Happy Sketching,
. . . I don't get much time for lunch, but here's one I did yesterday . . . the crunchy peanut butter and raisin sandwich was good . . .
Almost a month without a post? What's wrong with me? Grad school, that's it.
Here's another super-quicky concept sketch, nothing special . . . I really miss being able to use SketchUp!
Happy Sketching,

long time dude glad your back on!
Another model!
I canβt understand how you can keep producing design after design. Although many share similar body shape, there are tonnes of them! If youβre like me, you would keep a repository of models, yours must be over the top.
If you have any spare time feel free to check out some of my latest models: have been a little more active with SU lately and will be for a while
Once again...
I've spent the last hour and half going through this thread and I couldn't come up with a single excuse why I never bothered to check this out before. I really like your method. First off you start with a shape, and then it gets better, and better, and better...
So far I got to page 39 and I'm really impressed.
@unknownuser said:
So far I got to page 39 and I'm really impressed.
Thanks - coming from you, that's a very nice compliment - encouraging.. . . here's a quick sketch/idea for the nose shape . . .
. . . another quicky . . .