Made a Skript ready for V6
I have an older Script here and want to make it V6 compatible.
Is there an easy way? - Remember, I'm not a Burkhard
@burkhard said:
I have an older Script here and want to make it V6 compatible.
Is there an easy way? - Remember, I'm not a Burkhard
In most cases, the script will work in V6 without change. Can we assume you have tried it in Version 6 and the script did not work? If so, did you get an error message (in the Ruby Console?)
Is there a particular feature of Version 6 that you want the script to support? Have you had enough of my questions?
I'll take a look at it, if it would help.
Nice to meet you here.
You have two mails from your blog. I thought you have had enoughIt is the old script_loader.rb Ruby console say true, window opens but nothings happend
Got it , but thanks for the offer