Links for Texture Sources
@luis esteves said:
Good day everybody
Here's a link with some nice seamless textures.,
LuisImages are hosted on - I've had little luck downloading - mostly I get directed to a PartyPoker web site when I click the download button and the download does not work.
Well, I don't get the Party Poker windows but definitely it takes me to those extremely annoying "clock-ware" sites where you need to take you time and go out to the loo until you can get to the download.
Another texture site, have to register to download but lots of textures,
Seems not stored here. So a new wood collection:
Thanks Alpro and Burkhard, cool finds!
(added both to the "root post") -
Sawn Yorkstone Paving
Manor Yorkstone paving sawn to specification in Yorkshire.
scroll down the link slightly little square samples tile pretty well for a low qual stone tex
very good for stone paving, yorkstone paving ect
Thx All
this should defo be added to the list, some very good ones here
oh and this, all tilable!
and this, its called maxtextures but they're viewable as jpegs - perfect for skp! also pretty much ALL ARE TILEABLE!
2051 free textures in a single zip file!!!!!
oh my god.
@mr s said:
Here is a good link for making your own brick/stone textures.
Mr SThat link you posted is now obsolete go here now
100 Beautiful Free Textures -
Some rally nice one, indeed!
My favorite 3d modeling site for Non-SU modeling just created a free image site. It boasts 12,500 fre High-res images. Not necessarily tileable images, but more like reference images of animals, architrecture, nature, etc. All royalty free and unlimited downloads. Check it out here:
sort of interesting.
amazing sources pal, thank you!!!!
A few high res wood textures for everyone.
A lot of tiles ... good onesI Like but need registration
Have Fun!!! and more tiles
wow.. very useful references.. really thanks
@unknownuser said:
(needs registration but then fine)It looks like this site is gone. There is a splash screen link to IIS and a google search reveals a few domain marketers trying to sell the name.
Thanks for the report.
I know some of the links posted there originally are now broken so some revising them will be needed soon.
Just ran across this:
@unknownuser said:
Seamless stone textures/19
Seamless bricks textures/13
Seamless grass textures/28
Seamless wood textures/38
Seamless pavers textures/25
Seamless planks textures/27
Seamless concrete textures/14
Seamless water textures/13
Seamless leather textures/21Oh, and they all come with bump and normal maps too