AI Image Generation
Mini tut
(here I use Flowscape , which costs less than a pack of cigarettes at the parent company)The image on the left is done in 30 seconds, and Leonard's ready to rock!
He knows how to put snow on the roof(s), electricity!
And the prompt is "winter landscape"!the image on the left 1 second since it's automatic!
Of course, you can rotate it in any direction, add trees etc...Leonardo interprets it to his liking! -
Free Pcon Planner for any 3d design objects of the world! Then FlowScape!
Limits of volumes are not managed!
Start surfaces yes! -
Leonardo training 5 images ... 512 * 512
512 = deformations, multiplication !
Big zoom : -
Wombo : new Style -The Absurd v2
futuristic architecture at mountain -
wombo Style The Absurd v2
futuristic architecture at mountain
60 big zoom : -
wombo : new Style - Nightly v2
futuristic architecture at mountain100 big zoom: