Free Kitbash for free Magicavoxel
A free Kitbash SF & Cyber Punk for the free MagicaVoxel
Video of use inside the site!
by Paul RiehleMagicaVoxel is a crazzy free prog for Voxel Art but can be deviated for make astonished images in 10 seconds!
I am a big fan of course!
You can see my little gallery
some russian constructivismQuiet lake
Quadrangular Amazonia
Free Kitbash above by Hifoo/ Paul Riehle is a killer one! keys 9,0,= a delight!
(for free MagicaVoxel)
here follow a same element rotated, positive, negative etc...
How to simulate a "stereographic" 3D model from the MagicaVoxel rendering engine?
Retrieve the "straight" OBJ object from Magica, better to clean up the coplanar faces with your favorite 3D program, project it onto the volume of your choice (here a half-sphere). The object will then have a thickness, and will be completely "3D Printable". It is funny to see that a "curvated" building becomes curiously a spaceship!
Once again the free"Kitbash" free is full of infinite richness of possibilities!
Bravo to Paul Riehle / hifoo!