VR Interactive experience for SketchUp Kitchen.
SimLab Art Team started a new VR experience creation service, allowing users to have a functional VR experience in few hours.
We strongly believe in the power of VR, and the positive impact it has on many businesses, and we believe that SimLab Composer VR technologies will allow users to take advantage of the amazing power of VR.
Horatec from Germany sent us a SketchUp model of a kitchen, In 3 hours using SimLab Composer one person created the following VR experience.
Users interested in running the VR experience (on Desktop, or using HTC, Oculus, or Mixed reality sets) can download the free SimLab Showroom here.
Wow this looks interessting.
I have Oculus Rift and I am still rendering panos to use them. It is not really a VR impression.
I'll have a look on it.