MagicaVoxel as render for SU!
Some doddlings
Astonishing as cubic cubes can do!
From any OBJ format object just make a Drag & Drop on the MagicaVoxel Screen !
(take an empty or fully matrix (maxi 126 *126 *126 it will be remplaced by your object)From the internal
Spheres as Cubes
2 objects for test because Matrix maxi is 126126126
So you must splite your big object! Here some Copy/ Paste/ Move
Result from somewhere whith the Stereographic Projection function (cool from 150Β° to 270Β°)
Edges can have a thickness & Colors!
Grid and Ground can have a thickness & Colors!
Vertex Function render can stretch on x,y,z axis
Russian Constructivists should use MagicaVoxel!
Again test of 2 objects
Some repetitions
Internal view
Sun, color background...
Spheres as Cubes
Transparency: the little cubes in the space are used as a trick when you import your object for automatically fix its position (so 8 little cubes) inside the Matrix! You can of course erase them before rendering!
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp]Some point of view...
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp]From a model by diTOTO from 3DWareHouse Drag & Droped so very reduced!
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp]Inside the beast!
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp]Amazing that can be done in 30 seconds modeling!
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp]So clean...of course this use is not the classic use of Voxels Art!
As edges and grids can have colors & tchickness variations are infinite!
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp]In the Swimming-pool! Render's tools are so easy! Choose a color diectly on the rendering screen (Alt + Click) and this color can become emmeter, glass, metal etc...
[img:2vt28qfp][/img:2vt28qfp] -
The famous Zbrush Demo_Soldier
Architecture in 30 seconds
Citizen Kane!
(and cool musics!
else complete guide: importing-magicavoxel-sketchfab !
My Magica Gallery!
Green Spaces!
Less one minute!
Infinite variations
Blue Morning
Speedy MagicaVoxel Workflow:
Draw any thing in few seconds...
Give a color and thickness (or not) to the edges, the grid, the ground, the background.....
A material with certain colours, from Glass to the colour of the faces for transparency, from Metal tyo Floor if ou want a reflection.Explore the internal volume with a sterescopic Projection
About Speed Modeling in MagicaVoxel!
Create a simple and complex Pattern at the same time, save it. And with each new object, use it in ATtach mode (with Shift when you want to "cut" into the mass). Coupled with the "internal" matrix displacement (CTRL), it is extremely effective! (and 3 keys to remember, T, Shift, CTRL) for "short memories" like me, it's perfect! (and 0, 9 to turn the module)
And of course you can create a Pattern in a 2nd matrix and bring it back to the 1st one as you wish!Translated with
6 seconds modeling!
Some color effect if needing...
Volumes are drawn only with the little module on the right! (In positive or negative)
Mode aTtach (additive)
Negative = Shift Click for validate position
Module rotation 0 & 9 -
Else complete tutorial for input any big reasonnable size of file .OBJ from SU or other 3D Packages!
(for Pc) I suppose that will be some similar for Mac!Thanks to Patrick Min (BinVox - ViewVox) & Zarbuz (SchematicToVox)
for detailand h ere for the complete "Vox_package" (BinVox +ViewVox)For SchematicToVox (works also for any image PNG 256 colors)
Put the .OBJ inside the folder of the "Vox_package"
If your folder Vox_package is on your DeskTop : Key "Logo Windows" + R and enter the following line (except Pilou of course
C:\Users\Pilou\Desktop\Vox_package\binvox.exe -d 768 loco.obj (maxi can be 1024 for the 768)you will obtain an loco.binvox
Drag this loco.binvox on viewvox.exe for verify the result!again Key "Logo Windows" + R and enter the following line (except Pilou of course
C:\Users\Pilou\Desktop\Vox_package\binvox.exe -t schematic loco.obj
you will obtain a loco.schematicInside the folder of SchematicToVox Key "Logo Windows" + R and enter the following line (except Pilou of course
ββC:\Users\Pilou\Desktop\SchematicToVox-v1.0\SchematicToVox.exe --i loco.schematic --o loco
you will obtain a loco.voxLaunch MagicaVoxel and Load loco.vox
That all
Have fun!
OBJ Loco Model T2-71 found on the Net - I don't know the author!
In ViewVox 5 millions of cubes
In MagicaVoxel : Each cubic matrix 126 * 126 * 126
Play with the render
In BinVox
In Magica
A little more complex for validate the process
With a ZBrush object 1.4 millions cubes
Thx Patrick Min (Binvox), Zarbuz (SchematicToVox) and of course Ephtracy!No Problem!
Can you set "pixel" the resolution? It would probably need to be in the region of 25 - 50 microns (real world) to cover most architectural eventualities.
@unknownuser said:
Can you set "pixel" the resolution?
If you want to say "reduce the cube's size" to a pixel...
I must investigate for MagicaVoxel!
(i have seen some parameters in maybe...but not sure...I know that 3DCoat makes that!
(cool videos by this guy!
For hard surfacesand for architecture
Alas if theorically Binvox can input 1024 as resolution i can just input 768 (3 * 256) as maxi resolution (maybe i have not enough memory)... so seems the resolution maxi will be this shown above for the ZBrush object!...