3D Printers
Can anyone recommend some good 3D printers, from their own experience?
I'm currently using a Dremel 3D20. Not bad because it comes put together and is pretty much ready to print out of the box. I seems to be losing it's accuracy - extruder nozzle bumps the model and if you are doing something that is just standing on legs, like a horse, it can knock the model over... and you end up with a rats nest.So, I'd like to get some advise from users of other 3D printers.
Based on what I've learned, (my personal printer is a Solidoodle...they are not that great and subsequently went bankrupt
) here are my recommendations in order from high to low budget.
Ultimaker is very good, if not the best - and at $2499 the price matches its reputation.
Zortrax M200 is also excellent, at $2000 it better be.
Wanhao Duplicator I3 is the best value, with high reviews at only $399.For more reviews, Make magazine's shootout and 3D Hubs trend reports are very helpful.