Dutch Windmills in sunset
Epic Majid...
Wow thank you mates for kind attention.
Gosh, that looks so real, and how simple is the scene. Impressive composition and rendering skills!
@ OmiKron: Thanks...
Here is another water material setting render...
Really first class work
Well, I hope you're happy - your model got me interested in windmills, and I've started work on my own model. Going nuts with it, as usual. I really didn't need another project right now, and I'm blaming you personally.
... I am planning to re-render via 3D trees..
Fantastic renders, Majid!
Is that how THEA renders the water reflections?..quite amazing!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Ken.
The water bump map is a combination of two different THEA procedural maps.
Another shot with 3D trees
Thanks for the explanation, Majid.
What about the sky? Is that generated in Thea, too, or a background image postworked in PS?
Thea lets you to have different images for, lighting, reflection, refraction and also background, I mean 4 different pictures and here I have used the sky image as background and built-in sun and sky for lighting.