Hampton Court Palace
How did you get on modelling the column capitals? And the lion heads? They look great! Would love to see a hidden geometry view of those. Really convincing.
Oliver the columns are from the warehouse i searched for Corinthean columns. I did some very minor scaling adjustments too them. The lions head is a modified door knocker from archibase planet. It's in the sculpture section.The rest of the bas relief modelling i did myself. The pediment was very daunting so i ended up creating a normal map
A bit closer, with the Rolls Royce featured more:
Wonderful to see this work. Beautiful renderings!
Stunning as always!
Thanks for the comments guys, here's a final shot:
Absolutely superb stuff.
Mate the B&W suit this a treat!
Thanks Richard B&W is quite forgiving PS have you checked out the film responses in maxwell 3.1 ?
@chedda said:
Thanks Richard B&W is quite forgiving PS have you checked out the film responses in maxwell 3.1 ?
No mate, I'm still working with 2.1! I want to update my SU first though having problems upgrading from an ongoing beta license since I don't contribute to the beta testing anymore. Plus I just need some spare time!