Simulation aborted
The free version of SU should work the same as the licensed version.
To export an animation, do the following:
- Enable SketchyReplay Record button
- Press play and run simulation for desired time
- Reset simulation. It will ask you whether to save animation. Click YES.
- Go to (Menu) > Plugins > SketchyReplay > Export Animation.
- A dialog with options will be displayed.
- Set ReplayCamera? to YES if you want to replay your camera movements.
- Set Save As to PNG or JPG.
- Press OK. This will lead you to choose a saving location. Once you done, a set of images will be exported into the chosen folder.
- Use desired software to combine images into a video. I suggest using MakeAVI. See next steps for instructions.
- One last step. Select (Menu) > Plugins > SketchyReplay > Erase Record. This will remove all animation export data from SU file, which will reduce file size.
Using MakeAVI:
- Launch makeavi.exe
- Click Add Files button.
- Navigate to folder where all generated images are stored.
- Select Ctrl-A and click open. This will import all images at once, in sorted form.
- Set Playback frame rate to 60.
- Click the Begin! button.
- Select video location and name.
- Afterwards Video Compression options dialog will pop up. Select Microsoft Video 1, set Compression Quality to 75 and click OK.
- Afterwards use desired video converter to convert AVI to MP4 or any desired format. You'll find many free video converter software online by google searching free video converter.
I noticed that Processing (2) has added some moviemaking from images capabilities. As Processing has risen to the top of mylist (along with the new improved SK physics) I will be curious to hear if others are using Processing with SK physics.
G'day, g'day, g'day. Anton, I know you've just been hanging for my next problem. Besides which, you're getting excited about my project,aren't you
I've had to look for what might be a much lighter retract system and this MIGHT be it.
Pivoting about the center of the mounting cylinder, the oleo (landing leg)rotates back and up till horizontal(90*) and then the leg swings in until the cover is flush with the fuselage skin(??*), see starboard side). These operations could have some over-lap provided nothing crashes into the skin. That's the bit I can't do (off one slider with built in delay for the swing in?)
This is fine in theory but not sure how to do it in practice as yet. When you have time my friend, and an explanation of how to control two or more servo's from one slider please.
Cheers, mate.
Pretty cool gear designs!
You can use one slider to lift gear. I added script to make it delay the way you want. If you're interested, the script is located in the red box.To see the physics joints, turn on the layers panel and enable the Physics Joints layer.
Note: There is one thing you should have done to your model before posting - run cleanup. Doing that, I was able to reduce model size to just 651KB (even without zipping). I would suggest using TT CleanUp plugin. When you ready to upload the model follow these insturections:
- Go to (menu) Plugins > CleanUp > Clean...
- Make sure scope is set to model.
- Make sure optimizations purge unused checkbox is enabled.
- Press CleanUp button, save model, and your good to upload.
Thanks Anton. I think I've said before, I purge and clean before posting so maybe I have a problem somewhere. Got TTCleanup installed.
Great to see my idea working, just got to figure how to make it happen using levers etc. instead of black magic)
No problem mate. Ask for help anytime you want.
Maybe you used TT Cleanup to clean particular selection rather than the whole model. Next time ensure that the Model radio checkbox is checked.
Levers are good chose too. Black magic is just more efficient
Hi Anton, I'm back, this time with the same problem that started this thread. I've done something ???? and now I'm getting the same massage as per first post. Would you please tell me how to fix it this time as my model isn't ready for posting to you.
Cheers in advance, Doug
Are you using SketchyPhysics version 3.5.5? Go to (Menu) SketchyPhysics -> About to check version.
If not using SP 3.5.5, then upgrade!
If you're using SP 3.5.5, the error could be coming from a 'Scripted' property of some object.Open SketchyPhysics UI panel and select any group other than a physics joint. You will notice the UI webdialog displaying various body properties, such as 'Magnet', 'Thruster', 'Emitter', 'OnTouch', 'Ontick', and 'Scripted'. The Scripted field allows user to assign a piece of Ruby programming code to an object. The programming code is then evaluated when simulation starts. It appears that one or more objects in your model have a programming code; however, with a syntax error. Whenever there is a syntax error in a programming code of the 'Scripted' field, simulation resets and displays the error message.
Anyway, to fix the error, you must first find an object that contains some code in a 'Scripted' field and then check for any incorrect syntax. Maybe you accidentally added/removed a character, which caused a syntax error... I assume that this error is generated in over-center_lock_mechanism.skp model that I sent you earlier. If so, there are a few objects that contain this code in them:
onStart { setMass(1) }
If you find an object that doesn't contain this code, then replace it's code with this code.
If you can't find it, then upload the model and I'll do it for you. You can upload it via private message if you want to.
OK Anton. Followed your instructions but no script found (I assume box will be ticked if there is some)
Have cleaned all components and am aware there are a lot of problems with solids. Got Solid Inspector installed but not having much success in using it.Problem probably came about when I imported the Nose gear into this full model.
If you animate the main wheels as well, they may stick out through the fuselage side as this is a trial setup only.
Oh, I guess you located a bug in SP. I fixed it! Please upgrade to SP3.5.6.
Other than that, your model is cleaned up, however, some geometry could be redrawn if you want it to be solid, but SP doesn't require everything to be solid, so why bother?
Also, do you want me to get all the SP stuff working? I.E connect joints and stuff?
Oh yes please if you have the time and patience. Thanks.
Will update SP today.
Here you go. I'm not sure if the rear wheels should lift, but I made them lift just in case. It's easy to prevent them from lifting - just erase/disconnect the 2 servo joints.
Thanks Anton. Not quite right but I'll have a go myself now that I've up-graded to SP3.5.6
I notice that I have to modify some parts so will changing them, change your animation. ie, hide the control lever that now comes through the side of the fuselage due to a narrowed nose section, or adding the cut-outs in the floor to accept the wheel?
As for the mains, I thought I left an angled torque drive to show rotation axis. Never mind, as I said, I'll give it a go myself.
Once again, cheers.