SketchyPhysics 3.3 (Unofficial Release)
@unknownuser said:
s Have you some infos about compatibility with other plugins ?
This release does not modify any sketchup API functions. It's compatible with all damn plugs, on all damn SU versions. Make sure you delete original SP before downloading the new one.
@cotty said:
Is this related to your MSPhysics or an update for the "old" SketchyPhysics?
No its not. I will extend the release of MSPhysics to other date, but so none of you get upset I thought to fix SketchyPhysics as a backup.
I need some people to test this on Mac OS X.
Please test these models on both SU2013 and SU2014:- SP MIDI Piano
- 3d sounds
- Delta Squad Particularly I want to know if the Joystick and keyboard controls are working.
Woudle be great if anyone could test,
ThanksI ain't really care if it doesn't work on Macs, but if anyone finds it not working on Macs, then post the error messages if you want it fixed.
is the workflow the same like in the old SP?
can i use the old helpfile or have any important change?is SP compatible to Eneroth3 Railroad?
@deaneau said:
is the workflow the same like in the old SP?
can i use the old helpfile or have any important change?is SP compatible to Eneroth3 Railroad?
Yes, the workflow should beh exactly the same; however, not all scripted models will work with the current release as there are quite a few changes. All scripted models that use SP LazyScript will not work, but the rest (that don't modify SP content) should work.
This is not compatible with the Eneroth3 Railroad though. You may have both plugins installed, but don't play them at the same time.
It doesn`t work on my sketchup pro 8 MAC.
Do you know why?
Thanks! -
@marcorigamonti74 said:
It doesn`t work on my sketchup pro 8 MAC.
Do you know why?
Thanks!No, I don't know why. Perhaps, a little more info would give me an idea whats not working. post a screenshot of an error that raises when you start SU or perhaps describe what exactly is not working... eh
Well this is certainly very good work by the looks of it, must have taken hell of a lot of time.
But is this officially approved by Chris? Because if it isn't I would suggest a more distinctive name that makes it clear these are not the same plugins any more.The issue of compatibility is no small matter, anyone who will search for the latest Sketchyphysics will find your version which might break old models, for anyone but expert users this will be a major problem.
Mister K, I tried keeping everything as compatible as I could. The reason old scripts don't work is because (1) they use Sketchup API modifying methods (such as ComponentInstance.entities) and (2) they were improperly written in the first place. Quite a few advanced developers suggested to disable SketchyPhysics because it was incompatible with other plugins. They even placed it in the quarantine list:;t=47371 I'm pretty sure that to remove SP from quarantine Chris would still have to make a choice to remove those Sketchup API modifying methods anyway.
I tried contacting Chris before, but no reply was given, so yeah. But I dont claim any authorization. All credit goes to him.
BTW, It only took me 12 days to do all that mess.
@anton_s said:
This is not compatible with the Eneroth3 Railroad though. You may have both plugins installed, but don't play them at the same time.
yes i have try this.
iยดll hope this will be possible in the future.
ok ERS is a young plugin and all ideas will be placed. this will need time. my dream is to work with SP and ERS together. 2009-2014 is a long time,too.
how you would setup a train in SP? for example a steamloco, coupling cars, driving on the track etc.? how i could tell SP the loco have a weight and the cars have different weight?
the starting speed is an other if the train is empty or when the train is loaded etc.
this setup would be interesting.
to simulate a real train start and train stop or when the train have an emergency long need the train to stop. etc....ok an other example. i will simulate an earth quake.
how i can tell SP this is a concrete block and this is a paperbox. both have a different gravity.
ok i will stop with question, otherwise this text will be long.
regards dean
I'm not disputing your work, simply pointing out that your version will not be compatible with older models, a problem which none but experts will be able to fix. So in the interest of avoiding confusion this release should get a more distinctive name.
@deaneau said:
ok ERS is a young plugin and all ideas will be placed. this will need time. my dream is to work with SP and ERS together. 2009-2014 is a long time,too.
Deaneau, I respect your request, but I'm not willing to place much time on this plugin. You know, I have to work on MSPhysics the similar plugin to SketchyPhysics... The reason I fixed SP was because there are many SketchyPhysics models at 3Dwarehouse. It was hard for me to see them all be left behind.
However, nothing stops other users from improving SketchyPhysics. They may add their own features, as long as they keep author as Chris Phillips and the version tittle with Unofficial. Maybe someone wouldn't mind integrating trains into SP.
Maybe trains could be implemented into MSPhysics, but that won't happen until I release the basic version of MSPhysics, 1.0.
@mister k said:
I'm not disputing your work, simply pointing out that your version will not be compatible with older models, a problem which none but experts will be able to fix. So in the interest of avoiding confusion this release should get a more distinctive name.
Oh, I see where you coming from.
I'm planning to add compatibility files, so that all prior models could work on SP. The compatibility files will be loaded if the detected version is not 3.3. For instance, if detected version is 3.2, then a 3.2 compatibility file be loaded, adding and all removed methods from 3.2... As well, if the detected version is 3RC1 then the compatibility file for 3RC1 be loaded. You know how some models in SP3RC1 were not working with 3.2? Well, this could be eliminated due to the compatiblity files. I'm not sure if this be possible, but we'll see. This feature could be available in 3.4. And then a descent renaming of this plugin wouldn't be required.
I repeatedly ask for Mac OS X testers! Some people reported this version doesn't work on Mac, but did not post the error message. I'm pretty sure I had all the libraries compatible with Mac, but I'm certain that there's an error somewhere. You know, I'm a human. There is no way I can write a plugin without bugs in one try. If anyone is willing to test, then please do so. I'll be graceful for yaur help.
@anton_s said:
@deaneau said:
ok ERS is a young plugin and all ideas will be placed. this will need time. my dream is to work with SP and ERS together. 2009-2014 is a long time,too.
Deaneau, I respect your request, but I'm not willing to place much time on this plugin. You know, I have to work on MSPhysics the similar plugin to SketchyPhysics... The reason I fixed SP was because there are many SketchyPhysics models at 3Dwarehouse. It was hard for me to see them all be left behind.
However, nothing stops other users from improving SketchyPhysics. They may add their own features, as long as they keep author as Chris Phillips and the version tittle with Unofficial. Maybe someone wouldn't mind integrating trains into SP.
Maybe trains could be implemented into MSPhysics, but that won't happen until I release the basic version of MSPhysics, 1.0.
@mister k said:
I'm not disputing your work, simply pointing out that your version will not be compatible with older models, a problem which none but experts will be able to fix. So in the interest of avoiding confusion this release should get a more distinctive name.
Oh, I see where you coming from.
I'm planning to add compatibility files, so that all prior models could work on SP. The compatibility files will be loaded if the detected version is not 3.3. For instance, if detected version is 3.2, then a 3.2 compatibility file be loaded, adding and all removed methods from 3.2... As well, if the detected version is 3RC1 then the compatibility file for 3RC1 be loaded. You know how some models in SP3RC1 were not working with 3.2? Well, this could be eliminated due to the compatiblity files. I'm not sure if this be possible, but we'll see. This feature could be available in 3.4. And then a descent renaming of this plugin wouldn't be required.
I repeatedly ask for Mac OS X testers! Some people reported this version doesn't work on Mac, but did not post the error message. I'm pretty sure I had all the libraries compatible with Mac, but I'm certain that there's an error somewhere. You know, I'm a human. There is no way I can write a plugin without bugs in one try. If anyone is willing to test, then please do so. I'll be graceful for yaur help.
Hi everyone! For those that don't remember me, I did the original port of SketchyPhysics to the Mac years ago. I've been talking with Chris on and off for a few months now to see if SP was going to get re-energized. I haven't spoken with him recently but I'm sure he would find these developments exciting! I know that I do!
Anyway, I'm reaching out to offer any and all support I can to this effort to get SP 3.3 into shape and working for everyone on SU 2014. Anton, you've done an amazing job.
This release doesn't work on Mac at the moment since FFI is not directly support by the Ruby in Sketchup and an FFI bundle is not included in SP 3.3 . The Ruby that ships with SU (at least on the Mac) does support FIDDLE, which is a variant of FFI. If that is also supported on the windows version then we should consider moving to FIDDLE for SP3.3 so that it is directly supported by SU.
There are a lot of other Mac issues that Anton has documented in his findings. I'll be working on clearing those up and getting a working Mac version out as soon as I can.
Lets get this done!
This is really exciting!!! It even works with the Xbox controller!
Very well, lets get this done
At very least this crane works. Kudos to the coders, the modelers AND the Physicsers. Awesome, incredible work all around!
@mptak said:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
At very least this crane works. Kudos to the coders, the modelers AND the Physicsers. Awesome, incredible work all around!
On Mac?
Nope sorry for the confusion, I was working on a windows machine. I was just so excited to see Sketchy Physics resurrected (:)).
yo, u done it, i already notice.
thank u bro, u did good job very well.
now we can wait for MSPhysics and cloth simulation XD. -
@anton_s said:
@deaneau said:
ok ERS is a young plugin and all ideas will be placed. this will need time. my dream is to work with SP and ERS together. 2009-2014 is a long time,too.
Deaneau, I respect your request, but I'm not willing to place much time on this plugin. You know, I have to work on MSPhysics the similar plugin to SketchyPhysics... The reason I fixed SP was because there are many SketchyPhysics models at 3Dwarehouse. It was hard for me to see them all be left behind.
...hi anton, oh ok, what ever, all new can only the best
do you have a project link?Dean
@mtriple said:
yo, u done it, i already notice.
thank u bro, u did good job very well.
now we can wait for MSPhysics and cloth simulation XD.We still need to add some compatibility stuff before moving on to MSP