Google translate in a webDialog?
hi has anyone added google translate to a plugin?
I know it's a pain to do conventionally, as a webdialog is not a website so you can't use the normal route...
I've been hacking on an alternative which works on my mac, but has some timing issues so I thought I'd post it to garner comments and advice...
it may work on PC's of other persuasions...
don't have access so not sure if my liberal shortcutting will work...
it's part of a 'namespace d' script for users to translate my own plugin themselves, so this is just the barebones that I can get to work...
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # waiting("round corners") @ready = false @steady = false @go = false @source = "" def get_source source = "" source = @dlg1.get_element_value("source") @source = source end def setup_trans_late url = "" + "hello" @dlg1 = UI;; @dlg1.set_url(url) #@dlg1.show_modal ready = (UI.start_timer(0.1, true) { if not @source === "hello" get_source else UI.stop_timer(ready) end }) @ready = true puts "ready = #{@ready}" end def set_return(input) script = %Q(source.value=") + input + '"' @dlg1.execute_script(script.to_s) steady = (UI.start_timer(0.1, true) { if not @source === (input.to_s) get_source else UI.stop_timer(steady) end }) @steady = true puts "steady = #{@steady}" end def reset @ready = true # until close @steady = false @go = false p 'reset'; nil end def get_trans @dlg1.execute_script(" val=result_box.textContent var original_html=result_box.innerHTML original_html=original_html.replace('<span', '<input ' + 'id= for_su ' + 'value= "" ') original_html=original_html.replace('</span>', '</ >') result_box.innerHTML=original_html for_su.value=val ") ret = "" ret = @dlg1.get_element_value("for_su") @ret = ret p @ret if not @ret === "" @go = true puts "go = #{@go}" reset end setup_trans_late if not @ready # set_return('square corner') if @ready # get_trans if @steady def show_dialog @dlg2 = UI;;"Translation_Test", false, "trans_L8", 200, 150, 150, 150, true); html = <<-HTML <html><head></head><body> <input id="test" type="text" > <input id="start2" onclick="trans_L8()" type="button" value="translate"> <input id="start2" onclick="shw_goog()" type="button" value="show google"> <div id="translation"></div> <script> function trans_L8() { window.location = 'skp;trans_L8@'+test.value; } function shw_goog() { window.location = 'skp;shw_goog'; }</script> </body> </html> HTML wait_4_goog = (UI.start_timer(0.3, false) {RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(darwin)/ ? @dlg2.show_modal() ;}) @dlg2.set_html html @dlg2.add_action_callback("shw_goog") {|dialog, params| RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(darwin)/ ? @dlg1.show_modal() ; } @dlg2.add_action_callback("trans_L8") {|dialog, params| set_return(params.to_s) if @ready wait_4_goog = (UI.start_timer(3, false) {ret_tran = get_trans if @steady}) wait_4_goog = (UI.start_timer(3, false) {puts "#{@source.to_s} = #{@ret.to_s}" }) wait_4_goog = (UI.start_timer(3, false) {@dlg2.execute_script("translation.textContent='#{@source.to_s} = #{@ret.to_s}'")}) } end show_dialog
I've been going round in circles with the timers to optimise the return times, but haven't cracked it yet,,, possibly very bad coding...
I tried this and also the Bing translator, but gave up. They specifically do not want them run on local html pages. And I think the license agreement for the Google translator forbids it.
hi Dan
I'm running it in it's own page, but hidden on a macthe licence forbids direct access via code with polling, I'm not doing that...
the User selects a word string hits enter, I upload that into the input field, wait for the reply, inject a textbox and assign the return as a value then retrieve that value...
It's little different that copy/pasting and requires user input, so from my understanding it's ok to do...
It's all working now for most languages, until SU lack of Encoding.default_internal screws up some input, after a write/read.
so a char that is in two WebDialogs and appears in RubyConsole as returns from both WDlg's
suddenly fails to send to a Third WD...#<Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT>
ASCII-8BIT seems to come when storing a hash ... fails on retrieval
john -
Are you using marshal for storing the hash ?
@dan rathbun said:
Are you using marshal for storing the hash ?
I have in some versions, but read that storing in a .rb file, forces the encoding for the "filetype"
However, I found the issue... versus
it seems IO requires ASCII compatible chars, but File doesn't...
I was using both, and the failing dialog was the one...
Bing translator has a free API (unlike Google), and allows to send an array of strings and get an array back. I have to admit, compared to Google's statistical translator, Microsoft's rule-based translator has much success on technical documents, whereas Google Translate is better in prose and informal language.
When you feed in SketchUp's UI strings, MS Translator gives you the exact localized strings! I have an external ruby script that batch-translates .strings files. I haven't yet tried to do anything like that in SketchUp's webdialogs. -
my thinking is by having the full version open, you can choose to use the 'other' interpretation..
which may make it sightly more accurate?