My furniture
Mate you are seriously creating some of the most amazing furniture objects for Sketchup.
Mate if I could encourage you toward a modular sofa style to suit MANY room size and furnishing applications these are worth a look!
When you look at how the system works it's rather impressive!
Thank you for kind words, Richard
and thanks for the links, I started to model them -
@ginchius said:
Thank you for kind words, Richard
and thanks for the links, I started to model themUNREAL!
Mate with these sofa's you are doing I'd get in touch with the manufacturers and see if they would be interested in you modeling them for a fee (big fee) to be able to make them available free for use in renders. It has to help their marketing to have their product seen in glossy mags, brochures and signs in sexy new developments!!
@richard said:
@ginchius said:
Thank you for kind words, Richard
and thanks for the links, I started to model themUNREAL!
Mate with these sofa's you are doing I'd get in touch with the manufacturers and see if they would be interested in you modeling them for a fee (big fee) to be able to make them available free for use in renders. It has to help their marketing to have their product seen in glossy mags, brochures and signs in sexy new developments!!
It would be great
Updated "Baby Jasper" sofa
Wow, this is really great work!
Beautiful models and renders, Gintas!
You're the master of furniture modeling.
Keep them coming.
Mate that BABY JASPER looks exactly like the one in my living room - WELL DONE!
Thanks, Richard
Einzelelement / Single element
The exact name of the furniture I don't know.
I use Artisan to smooth the model and sculpt tool to make furniture a bit used.
Sorry, I don't have any video tutorials.
Thx for the infos!
In another style have you try this guy Opsvik ? -
@unknownuser said:
Thx for the infos!
In another style have you try this guy Opsvik ?Interesting Opsvik furnitures. Someday I will try to model one of these furnitures.
Classic sofa
deisgn by Sidney A. Lenger
very good Modeling and Fine Details, I like the Jasper modular Sofa very much.wich Plugins do you use for the Modeling? have you tried marvelous Designer? It's great for cushions and blankets.
@twtytom said:
I'm using these tools: Weld, Extrude edges by rails, Vertex tools, Artisan.
"Marvelous Designer" is a great software but too expensive for me
Amazing furniture Ginchius, how do you get the material to wrap so well around the models?
Its always inspiring to see works like this.
@vagadesign said:
Amazing furniture Ginchius, how do you get the material to wrap so well around the models?...
For UV mapping I'm using these tools: SketchUV and 'RoadKill'
Alvis's tutorials -
Another masterpiece, nice!