Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
Which coil do you use? 1.6 or 1.8?
How long are the coils lasting compared to your Vivi?
I am using the 1.8 @ 4.2
It has been a week today and still on same coil, still strong.
Cheers, please let me know how long they last on average when you've been using it for a while.
The adjustable airflow should help the coils last longer
Are you using the Nautillus on your Provari..?
For some time now I have been considering getting a backup for my Provari....just in case it decides to fail....!
After all, nothing lasts forever, and I'd hate to think I was stranded and unable to vape.
So, my question is, can anyone recommend an inexpensive but reasonably reliable unit I can keep handy as a backup ?
Another Provari!
Haha just kidding. I bought my mother a Smoktech SID. VV and VW with OLED screen. Comes with all the tubes for various size batteries.
It's 4 times cheaper than a Provari. Just don't expect the finish to be as perfect, or feel as good in the hand. Still does the job though.
Speaking of Provari, I might get another. The mini one I have runs out of battery far too quickly, even an EGO battery seems to last longer.
So I'm probably going to get an extension cap or just get another Provari and retire my old one as a spare. I've seen dozens of different mods and nothing touches the Provari quality IMO. The thing with Provari too, is they get better with age, looking all rugged and used...I love it! The only other one I'd consider is the Semovar.
Check out this mobile phone mod:
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Also check out Cloud 9's big battery mods....they only sell the best/safest stuff, tried and tested.
The SvoeMesto Semovar is also one of the best mods out there. Quality seems to rival the Provari. It's from the same maker as the Kayfun.
Thanks Oli.
Maybe it's not so silly to spend another $200 on another Provari. I'd be hard pressed to justify spending that sort of money on a backup device, but then again, if my Provari decides to go toes up I'd buy another one's worth pondering...but maybe a cheap backup to get me over the line if it happens is the way to go in the meantime.
Vapeking in Australia are selling the Smoketech SID for $29.95 (half price)....might get one...!
Oli, just get some new batteries....I get between 24 and 36 hours out of a battery (vaping at 4.8V generally gives me 24 hours, whereas 4.2V will last about 36 hours....seems to be a bit less on weekends though because I vape a bit more often.
I have 4 batteries I can go away for several days without worrying about recharging.
...and they have sold out at a whopping $699 each....!!
hmmmmmm....I reckon I can see a modelling challenge for the Steampunk experts in the main forum
That looks crazy!! I must admit though, I'm a fan of the Lord of the Rings style pipes. Can imagine looking really smug vaping away with one of those haha
Thanks for battery info, mine does literally last 2 hours @4.2volts. I was just suckered in by the "dimple" design of the provari looks great but it's totally impractical.
Yeah that price is very good indeed. I can't see any fault with the SID, it just doesn't feel as good as a provari in the hand that's all. It comes with all the tubes so you can carry on using your big batteries if need be.
Anyway, doesn't the provari come with a lifetime guarantee? Or is that just the cheapest one?
Also you can get the Thor hammer!
To anyone who cares....I broke down the cost of DIY E-Liquid into price per ml. This is based on the price of the ingredients I buy in the UK. You can probably get nicotine cheaper in bulk quantities.
Nicotine......20 pence per ml
PG..............3.6 pence per ml
VG..............3.6 pence per ml
Flavouring..38 pence per mlAs you can see, the flavouring is actually the most expensive part of the mixing process, not the nicotine.
So a 100ml 60/40 mix of 12mg E-Liquid with 10% flavour costs me Β£10.50 to make.
That's Β£1.05 per 10ml bottle. They are normally Β£3.50-Β£6 in the shops. A massive saving.
Love the Thor Hammer.
I wonder how I would explain my way past airport security with that in my bag...!!
hahaha it would actually be pretty lethal wouldn't it! You can also take the grenade, you would absolutely not get on a plane!
Some people take things way too far:
Chilling' with a friend of mine ( my vaper apprentice ).
The one on the left, is my precious. And yes, it's a clone, sorry Oli. -
@stefanq said:
The one on the left, is my precious. And yes, it's a clone, sorry Oli.
Do you think I am the Vape Police? hahaha
2 lovely looking setups!
Vaping News....Squape Reloaded is just about to come out. Swiss made rebuildable atomiser.
How is everyone getting on? Any new vaping gear?
I think it's time to retire my Kayfun and Provari Mini. The battery just doesn't last long enough on the Mini and I'm gonna keep the Kayfun as a spare setup.
My next vape mail is the Svoemesto Semovar 18650 Mod and the Svoemesto Kayfun Lite Plus.
Should look a bit like this, apart from the chopsticks.
Oh and other news, my girlfriend bought a really cheap variable voltage mod for Β£20! Goes with her new Protank 3.
It's called the X6. There are 3 voltage settings; low, medium and high. You just click the button to change voltage, it's so easy and cheap. Quality feels good. It's perfect for anyone who doesn't like faffing around with settings, resistance, numbers etc.
There are better mods out there, but for a Kanger Protank 3 or Aerotank, I don't think you can beat this at Β£20. I had a test with it and I was surprised it was so good.
I can also confirm the new Dual Coil heads for the Protank 3 and Aerotank are better than the original EVOD heads. They taste better, last longer and stay quite smooth compared to the old single coils. The new dual coils will only fit in the Protank 3 and Aerotank by the way, so don't try ramming one into an EVOD.
The device charges like a normal EVOD battery and you can use the same wire to charge it.
Hiya Oli,
Looks like a neat setup.
In response to your earlier post, I'm doing quite well, but still feel the urge about once a fortnight or so to have an analogue, but manage to resist......I tried one back in late May and it was awful, so I just need to remind myself of that....!!
The cravings are not very frequent though, and certainly aren't that strong.
I'm still using the Provari with Aspire BDC tanks. Replacement coils for the Aspire are difficult to get in Australia at the moment because of their popularity.....but I still have a few of my old wick type tanks and coils to get me over the line if the BDC's wear out (which they will in the next few weeks....!)
So what's the aspire like? Seen it sold over here but never tried it. The EVOD/protank/aerotank seem to be the most popular at the moment but would like to see what aspire can do.
Why not keep a tobacco flavour for when you get the cigarette craving, Gareth?
The whole time since I've been vaping I have touched just one cigarette.
It was when I was out one night in switzerland, for some reason my EVOD coil just stopped working and I was too far from hotel to get another. I was drinking heavy and completely slaughtered by the end of the night. When I was leaving I asked somebody for a cigarette....I had one drag and started gagging and just threw it away. lol So don't even think about a cigarette they taste like crap compared to vaping!
The Aspire BDC's are pretty good....I've never used an Evod so I can't comment on which is better although I hear a lot of good things about the would be so much easier if we had access to Vape shops (having to buy online is a pain in the @rse) I get about 10 -14 days use from them when I vape at 4.8. They are fairly reliable and only occasionally do I get a bit of gurgling and minor leaking.....the trick is not allowing the eliquid level to get too low.
I have a tobacco flavour in my collection, but it isn't one of my favourites. Mostly the cravings are only for a few minutes and it doesn't happen very often. It's just annoying that occasionally the brain switches into that craving mode every now and then. But it tells me how strong the cigarette addiction can be. I'm still vaping 18mg and don't feel quite ready to drop down to 12mg, although I have a few flavours which are 12mg and occasionally vape those. I smoked my last whole cigarette at a party on March 8th after getting a little p!ssed....!
Vaping has certainly made a big difference both to my health and my wallet...!
.....and it is far more enjoyable to vape than to smoke..!
I'll never be able to express how grateful I am that you started this topic.
On the downside, the authorities in Western Australia raided a small online supplier, confiscated all of their stock and prosecuted them in a test case. Two other online suppliers (and there may well be more than that) have closed down after being concerned that they will be driven out of business too. So, things aren't looking good for the future of vaping over here in the long term. Let's hope common sense prevails.