Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Congrats, Pete...!
Have to say that the part I find hardest is to get used to the new taste of the various juices...
But I'm a happy vaper - still on day 1... -
yeah kim sound like you need to find a shop where you can sample them. In UK, most popular flavours seem to be tobacco (obviously), blueberry, apple, watermelon and strawberry, the red bull one I have is close to strawberry. When u get the right flavour it just sticks.
Thought I'd try some new flavours today.
Fruit Punch - weak flavour/sickly
Strawberry - weak flavour but nice.
Blueberry - artificial "candy" flavour, like an ice lolly.
Sweet Melon -
Apple -So I got three red bull, a sweet melon and an apple.
Good times!
Really digging the sweet melon.
I was just thinking...
One quart & a small bag for nocotine.
well that's certainly one way to quit!!
You wouldn't even remember what a cigarette was!
Oli, I found this type of clearomizor. This is the one (reinforced) that you told me to search for? The pin/resistance is at the bottom of the tank.
There are many types Stefan, but I think the clearomizer V3 are reinforced. Basically old ones used to crack for fun! New ones just don't. You may have to ring a shop and find out if they fit your battery OK. But one you are looking at looks great.
Cheers, Oli! Yeah I'll definitely try that one, looks great, you can match the colour with the battery, and the pin/head is at the bottom of the tank. I'm curious to see the difference.
And, as a side note, today I celebrate one week without smoking! -
So you gonna try the EVOD? let us know what you think of any products you try out. The only difference between the new clearomizer and the old ones is they don't crack. Will be interesting how you find a new tank. I really wanna try a new atomizer but kayfun STILL not in stock.
Well done!
I'm amazed how effective these vapes are and how many of you have picked them up!! And actually quit!
Big pat on the back for Stefan!!
I'm regretting buying Apple E-liquid, it's great at first but then reminds me of sickly apple liquor.
Definitely sticking with red bull flavour (AKA Energy Cow and Torro Rouge) I highly recommend it. -
Two stories I saw today. Government just can't stay out of your business.
E-Cigarette Vapors Have High Concentrations of Metals // FDA About to Rule; Cancer Society Demands Investigation
schemes at the World Health Organization to try to ban β or more likely tax heavily β it at an international level.
Yeah I see them heavily taxing E-Cigs at some point. I'll buy a serious amount of E-Liquid the day before they do!
With regards to health concerns. Buy an atomizer that does not come into contact with any soldered parts. The kayfun or any other wick type rebuildable atomizer merely heat a liquid on a silica wick.
With regards to one that is manufactured in the US or UK. There are various companies and you can also buy vegetable-based E-Liquids which produce more vapour too.
All I know is, I'm not coughing up brown tar every day.
Another thing, since vaping I no longer get acid reflux which I was taking medication for daily (omeprazole). Bonus!
Funny how "Cancer Society Demands Investigation" about you just start with smoking, you know, that thing that is proven to kill millions every year.
They actually tell us cigarettes contain formaldehyde, benzene and CYANIDE....but they are making a fuss over stray metal elements in some E-Cigs. Classic.
Kayfun 3.1 finally came in stock today!
I ordered within minutes of the shop opening to ensure I definitely got one. They sell out within a couple of hours.
I got mine from cloud9vaping based outside London.
So this is what I ordered today...
Kayfun 3.1 in Satin finish,
Provari Ring,
2 Batteries,
Wire.Also ordered a Provari Mini 2.5 in Black
Also very hard to come by, sold out pretty much everywhere! I get my delivery on Friday....can't wait!!
This means I never have to buy replacement atomizers again; only wick and wire which costs peanuts and comes on a 10 metre roll.
The Kayfun uses a vacuum seal to naturally draw E-Liquid from the tank onto the wick. The wick doesn't actually dip into the Liquid, this keeps things cleaner. So even if you have a tiny amount of liquid left in the tank, you will never get a dry hit as the atomizer draws every last drop. Flavour is apparently enhanced too.
I'll see what it's like anyway, people on vaping forums are referring to Kayfun photos as "vape porn" so I guess I made the right choice.
I'm gonna take a look at the Kayfun, apparently DFW Vapes has stock, I'll try get there this week.
Tomorrow will be 2 weeks no cigs.
Vape/Render porn all in one video!!
The kayfun comes with the small glass tank and the steel one, so your choice which one to use; see video for variations. You can also get a full clear tank from top to bottom, but I'm not keen.
Damn you, Damn you all to hell, I'm off to buy some Marlies and order one.
Don't do it!! Just get the vape!!
And some 0% nicotine E-liquid seeing as you don't have the addiction any more.
Nice idea, but I think I'll give it a miss.
I started chewing gum a while back to help keep my mouth from drying out while running, never liked gum before, pretty soon found myself buying it by the truckload.
Had to give that the flick too. -
So one minute you'll be vaping, next minute smoking crack?
I'm already smuggling 10kilos of crack every time I fly.