How to snap a rotated plane (line or solid) to the face of a
Much like tilting a ladder against a wall, what I want to do is rotate a horizontal plane so that it is "leaning" against the face of a vertical plane.
The problem is that I cannot get the rotated plane to snap to the surface of the vertical plane.The only other way I can think of doing this is by drawing a circle perpendicular to the axis of rotation with a radius the length of the the plane being rotated, then the point where the circle intersected the vertical plane would correspond to precise point of contact for the two planes. However because Skectchup's circles are really multi-sided polygons, as oppose to true circles, the point indicated by this method close but imprecise.
I fairly comfortable with Sketchup, and use the rotation tool quite a bit.
And this does seem to be a very simple problem.
Does anyone have an idea how I might solve it? -
I only know the solution with the (highly segmented) circle too, but I'm very interested in another solution too!
I've created an example picture and a model to play with...
Remind me a great thread.
Fredoscale rotate tool will do it.
@gilles said:
Remind me a great thread.
[url=]This one[/url:1078gbaf] with TIGs "true intersection" worked for me...
Thanks so much guys! Though I had a bit of difficulty installing TIG's truetangents, once installed it solved my problem. The link to the thread was most enlightening. Fredoscale also looks to be another very useful plugin. Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it.