Georgia House
Thanks Jo. I'm working on the rear view next.
nice work ... but it could be beter with some PHotoshop PP ...
isn't it ??and I have a surprise .. the PSD file .... here you are :
Yeah atmosphere was nice but needs moreย "punch". I do like the reflections in the PP version, but the lens flare is a NO! I don't believe an artificial light can cause a flare to that degree.
Thanks guys i will work on the punch ! PS it never rains in Cyprus !
... I shred the PSD file ... so you can do anything with it .....
I taught it's a surprice for you ..... I taught you respect my time spent on you by just saying "thank you" .....
OK ...
I'm pretty sure he said thanks!
OK .. my english is not good ... I felt you disliked it ... so I became sad ....
I'm a little agree with you after observing this image trough OSX .. here it looks quiet dark and the only visible PPs are ref.s and lens flares ... can turn off the lens flares or REFs or outher twiks .... but I recomend them ... they are good details
here is the version with enhanced exposure It's tooo dark in osx ......but I have added several details ... but the only visible part with OSX is reflection and lens flare moderators : you can move my posts to the PP forum ... my PSD file , It maybe use full for educational porposes . it's a free sample ,,.
too much now! It wasn't too dark if that was the mood he is trying to produce. If it is dusk/evening, the sky is not bright. The foreground wouldn't be bright.
I believe some simple foreground detail to the left would improve image massively. Road bump is a bit low and material is flat. All tarmac/asphalt has a slight reflection...not wet looking....but it has a very subtle sheen. Play with specular too as some variation in reflection is more realistic. If it very rarely rains in Cyprus, it would be wrong for him to represent the conditions as being wet. which is how the tarmac appears.
pjt: constructive criticism is great, it helps us improve. I suggest the lens flare does not add anything to the image, I am not saying this in a bad way. Only the sun would cause a lens flare to this degree, but at night time, I can't see any artificial light causing a flare like this. Maybe some "star" like rays, but not a flare.
Overall I think scene is almost too tidy, it needs imperfections; dirt, age, life. Hope this helps.
Updated image after architects feedback. PJT i used a subtle simulens in maxwell for diffraction in this image. Olisha thanks for the comments, your right about the road it needs a film.I think this one has more punch.
That's significantly better!! Great work! The framing is nicer now. All it needs now.....maybe some age and dirt maps, still a bit too clean. Then I think you'll be there!
Long exposure images like this look great with headlight streaks on the road, just a suggestion.
Also, you see the green hue over the whole image? Levels will sort this immediately.
Couldn't resist a quick PP...corrected levels, dirt and vignette added. Only 2 minutes. This kinda reminds me of my regas render: (look at the sheen on the concrete floor, it reflects the lights of the house beautifully....this is what I meant for your road.
Thanks for the reply Olishea. I think colour casts and tints may be issues between all our monitors. I see a difference between my home and work monitor already (both apple) I can only imagine the difference between all our displays.For now the client and I are happy so i'll move to the next view. Thanks for the dirt advice, i noticed the white wall in the foreground is now more structured after your gentle PP, i think it helps.I have used long exposure night shots in the past, i am sure i will again. I remember all the cars wondering what i w` doing with my tripod next to the road. It was tricky using a remote shutter timing the shot to get a good streak of light. But in the end i had some success.
what kind of sky did you use? Is it SU Beckground or an HDR sphere?
It's the physical sky which comes with maxwell.
Another beauty
John -
Here is the rear view. Thanks John.
Hello chedda, I really like this one, the warmth and mood
. Darken the grass a little and you've cracked it! That Doberman looks menacing again, it's a breed you never see over here anymore, maybe fell out of favor like most "fashion accessories" do.
John -
Here is an interior from this project. Tadema the doberman is indeed a menacing beast. Our family always kept labradors, but if i had the time, space & climate i'd love a wolfhound (i don't think turbosquid stock them!).Your right about the grass if i have time i'll fall back on it. I look at this image and i'm not happy with the texture particulary the tiling also a skirting board may have helped. C&C welcome. This scene was a real wrestling match the super high poly sofa's crippled the scene. Sketchup would crash when launching, when saving almost doing anything. I spent a day almost doing nothing lol. I had to draw the line on 4 hours to adjust a texture and save !
This is when I would have unlocked the beta MXS referencing capabilities of the new plugin and at least tried it (no guaranteeing that it would work since it's beta, but still)...
Jason. -
Thanks Jason I think the next plugin release must be close now. I have been really struggling with the current one, I think it's silverlight making it hang. Is it just me or is sketchup on the Mac having issues ? I hope the next release has a HTML menu like grass. I've lost countless hours due to silver light (rant over)