Rromani (gypsy) house
This is a design that i made that highlights a architectural style that developed in Romania in the last 20 years. The rromani style its a mixture of oriental , indian , arab and modern elements sometimes being the subject of hard kitsch .
I also found this older work that i made of a rroma house with kitsch elements in it ( the last picture)
I like it...
Thank you
Your design is rather tasteful compared to some of the others.
Hello Iulian, you captured a bit of the architecture you're talking about but just a bit !
@marian said:
Your design is rather tasteful compared to some of the others.
Indeed, the designs are as complicated as possible and with a lots of roof bumps(they put the name of their sons on those bumps, each bump of the roof for a son) .
What is sad though is that some of them won't live in those palaces they will live in a small shattered shack behind it, or even in a tent .
There is a small village like 10 km from my city which is predominantly inhabited by gypsies which is well known for the palaces they have mainly on the main street which cross the village .
[flash=640,480:p2n0augq]http://www.youtube.com/v/H5xCJbu6FmA[/flash:p2n0augq] -
I have some rromani blood from my fathers side but even if i try hard i can do desings really that bad . I've seen some gypsy palaces that actualy looked good thous who have only classical elements in to them but usualy thous are normal one level homes not gigantic palaces , this are some really funny examples of bad taste :
Yes i know Buzescu i know this video to thous homes are over the top , in Dobruja , Constanta county where i live we have rromas to some are muslim turkish-speaking rromas i soo a lot of theyr homes some done in this style but some acttualy look surprisengly good cos they have only classical traditinal elements and they are no overly ornamented like this ones . I've seen only ground floor homes in my region in this style but they have aonly a few oriental elements in them and look pretty normal . Probably they are done by a better architect lol
Thous images that i attached here are horrible thous homes make my eyes bleed
Well I have learned a lesson while doing car design and other stuff : "Less is more!" This style will really gain a lot if applied this saying on it !