Sketchup for kickstarter projects
Just browsing through kickstarter and found this 3D printer idea, my first taught was is this Rich,
, but a great idea non the less, if i had known it was there i would of backed this, this is why i added this thrend, let others here know about sketchup related kickstarter projects and who knows, it may help us by backing these fantastic projects.
A desktop 3D printer you can build in a couple hours. Print plastic parts you design or download - even parts for another printer.
The Printrbot to be the simplest 3D printer yet. There are some great kits out there - the Makerbot, the Ultimaker, the Prusa Mendel, and others - but none as small and simple as the Printrbot. This all-in-one 3D printer kit can be assembled and printing in a couple of hours. Other kits will not only take you many more hours to build, they will also have hundreds more parts, and they will cost more. My design also does away with the finicky calibration and adjustment from which most 3D printers suffer. This is the printer a kid could put together. We assemble the electronics, we assemble the hotend, and we put the connectors on all the motors and components... no soldering required!
In this kickstarter priject you will nitice sketchup was used in the early development of this technology, A oil spill cleanup using robotic/remote sailing boats.
Spilled oil moves downwind from its source following surface currents. Traditional oil skimmers pull oil-absorbent booms and trace random linear paths in a sea of oil. But a better way to capture this oil is to sail upwind, intercepting the oil sheens traveling downwind. Protei harnesses the wind in order to power an unmanned sailing drone, pulling a long oil-absorbent ‘tail’ upwind. A fleet of many Protei will work automatically as a swarm, or be remotely controlled by coastal residents and on-line gamers.
I backed up Printrbot, in fact it seat son my right hand side at the office.
Brook Drumm has been using SketchUp a lot do model its parts -
@bertier said:
I backed up Printrbot, in fact it seat son my right hand side at the office.
Brook Drumm has been using SketchUp a lot do model its partsExcellent, so kickstarter projects do work, and do benefit sketchup users, thanks Bertier, I have being scrolling through kickstarter and I must say there are many more 3D printer projects, and they are all proving successful so far, each 3D printer has it's unique features but what makes them all the same is the low price, in fact 1 iv seen if you fund for $500 you get 1 for yourself, now that's a great deal, I hope to hear more examples here from others, where you may have funded a project, started a project or simply looking into a current project at present, anyone here planning a kickstarter project? Share it and tell us about it.
I have funded another project :
wich is awesome -
The funding for the oculus rift I posted earlier has just finished and a huge success it was too, looks like it will be available sometime next yr, I'll be keeping my eye on that product and look forward to its release, I'm sure at some stage we will be all imursed in our SU virtual space once this beauty is released, looking forward to it.
Ok people, Joel Metzger needs our help, as seen here on our Mayor Mike Lucy's post
a fellow sketchup artist only has 10 days left to reach his kickstarter goal, he has raised $905 so far but his goal is $950, kickstarter only funds projects if the goal is reached, 10 days guys to raise $45, help Joel reach his goal -
Joel Metzger reached his kickstarter goal today, hope all works out for him and wish him luck, can't wait to see what he produces in he coming future, I'm a big fan of his work and imagination, keep up the good work Joel and best of luck and well done
Heres a strange one, this guy is trying to develop a war based video game using google earth and google warehouse assets, interesting idea, looks like CIA sort of stuff but ill let ye check it out for yourselfs.
Sorry for posting this kickstarter project, it has no relation to sketchup but i had to give ye all heads up on this as i know there are some wing commander and freelancer vets here on the forums, Chris Roberts has returned from movie making to develop this space sim, and the pure scale of this is just beyond belief, you just need to view the clips to see for yourself, i also posted earlier about the oculus rift, a new VR headset which is being made compatible with star citizen, anyway 10 days left to back this already successful project, i backed it and if you are interested in backing can you please submit i recommended it to you, ha ha, there is a prize for the most friends introduced, wouldnt mind getting my hands on this, so have a look at this space sim if its your thing
You can fund both here
or here your not interested its still worth checking out for modellers, on average a character in a game is 10000 faces, in star citizen its 10 times that, yes at 100000 faces, a ship would be 30000 faces but star citizen is 300000 faces, the detail has never being so big in a game before, and its worth looking at how detailed they actually are
MeshUp is the first real volume modeler for meshes. To make life easier for 3D printing and for creators. Uformia envision a very different experience for users, where without effort, a creator can be sure that their models are always ready for 3D printing. -
This project is ended but it is up there as the most funded kickstarter project, The Pebble is a customizable watch. Download new watchfaces, use sports and fitness apps, get notifications from your phone.