You tell 'em, Rush!
I come here to escape from political intolerence Solo.
I much older then you and willing to match my contibutons to this country with yours.
I am a Tea Party member and don't hear any the hate rhetoric spouted by the tolerent leftt any meetings. -
@unknownuser said:
I am a Tea Party member and don't hear any the hate rhetoric spouted by the tolerent leftt any meetings.
You may not have heard it, but you probably read it.
Nuff said.
I don't see anything that is racist in those pictures or anything that calls for violence. Its the right of every citizen to protest, peacefully, about the actions of the government. I don't recall you or any other libbie getting offended when Bush was equated to Hitler or call vile names. I could dig up a million pictures also about crazy left wing nuts but that doesn't serve any purpose other than to perpetuate lies about the rational minded opinions of either side.
There are thousands of them online, here are three..
Like I said I can pull plenty of pictures of left-wing nuts with crazy signs from the intertubes also, that doesn't explain anything. If your argument that the Tea Party is violent and racist comes from pictures off the internet then I feel sorry for you. Your information gathering skills seem to be relegated to cut and paste. I thought you'd have a better argument about the scary horrible Tea Party that doesn't include random pics of fringe elements of one party.
They do say a picture is worth a thousand words and a thousand pictures is worth?
I post pictures to debunk the delusion that the Tea party is a loving happy tolerant movement.
So, it seems the discussion has moved to the Tea party, okay I'll participate. What do you know about them? who started it, what do they stand for? and who leads them?
I'd just like to say that Bane has been a Batman villain for almost 20 years.
How on earth can this chump think it is related to the presidential race.
Its just like some nut cases who thought that Lord of the Rings: Tow towers was about the tragic event of 11th September.
I know! That's why I posted the link -beause of the sheer weirdness of Limbaugh's comment. I just keep wondering if Limbaugh, and others like him (O'Reilly, and the utterly bizarre Beck), actually believe the surreal nonsense they spout. I'd love to know how they behave privately.
Love it! Real Americans!
@unknownuser said:
@solo said:
Tom is being facetious (...)
Indeed I am. I find it absolutely mind-boggling anyone would believe that nut. He's funny, though -and this time he's surpassed himself.
I'd find him much more entertaining if so many didn't believe everything he says.
Point taken. I'd probably feel the same if I lived in the US.
I think that Rush was merely saying that it was Jon Stewart who first made the suggestion about Bane = Bain. Rush was commenting on the Comedians who first talked about this. Its a stupid reference of course. . .on many levels.
I don't much about the movie but my son has been following it--it seems that it is more about Occupy Wall Street than about evil Rich Guys.