Bonsai Render with Twilight
Hi all,
this is my first post and I wanted to share this Bonsai scene I did just to test different hdr probes.
I build the scene from scratch except the little glass-puma I found on 3D-Archive.
Rendering was done in Twilight, on "easy9" setting (No lights, no sun, just the .hdr file to light the scene). Postpro was only a little more contrast and gamma with irfan-view.
Hope you like it and comments are welcome!All the best
Very impressive, especially the pot and the table. How did you texture the pot? is the material from a photograph?
Thanks a lot!
I found the texture at cgtextures and just did a color-correction on it. I think it was originally a photo of a crackled paint-surface. I did the mapping with the great thrupaint plugin from fredo6 (he's a real genius
Nice one, texture are great...