PLUGINS wish list
Hi there!! My first time on this forum!! so greetings...
I apologize for my english, it's not my mother language.I come here for a reason, I used a huge amount of plugins, and never did anything for community, so now my turn...
I wish i could program and use the API tool, but i have serious lack of knowledges...The point is, I need a specific pluging and can't find it. So eithrt i could do it, or some one could help me, or whatever.
This plugin would be a push/pull one:
imagine a cube on which you could lock a surface on any face.
then when you push or pull any face connected with it, the perpendicular one would change proportionnaly, to keep the locked surface unchanged.I must say that i search a lot and didn't found any of this kind. it's a small one, but very useful for architectes in diagramatic work...
Thank you for any help you would bring...
Happy new year!!!
Hi Calaghahn
I probably couldn't achieve it, either, but it sounds like a custom version of scale tool could do that,
i.e. only works on the center bounds of one axis and recalculates the second axis bounds length in ruby to equal the start surface area.
You'd need arrow keys to decide direction and maybe 'alt' for an equal spread from center.
make a great addition to Fredo Scale [unsubtle hint...]
nice idea
I was having a look at what would be involved to do this in a plugin when I decided to see if a Dynamic Component might be an option...
I found this, which does something similar, but for constant volume...
I've never played with DC so I'll have a look at adding fixed height...
It seems you want a tool to specify a certain area and have it stay the same while you modify the proportions of the space. That is a good idea. I thought someone else had expressed a wish for this same thing, fairly recently. I'll look around and see if something has already been developed. -
I've been playing with that DC Cube and if you flip it on it's side the height only alters if scaled... john
See if this tool by sdmitch is what you are looking for? -
Thank you all for your replies
Mitcorb, it's nice plugin, but it just work for one face, it makes all the shape change, but just the adjacent faces. i'm also continuing to search,
do you think it would be hard for a total newbee to program such an application?Calaghahn
Architecte nantais ...
The level of difficulty is highly dependent on one's innate capabilities, and motivation in that area. Do a Google search on ruby programming. There are tutorials in print and youtube. These may give you some idea.
i'll keep this post updated with the creation of this plugins... no guaranties, that it will work... but I'll try. if any one is also ready to program it...
thank you anyway mitcorb -
Je ne suis pas sur d'avoir bien compris.
Est-ce que ceci correspond à votre demande? -
@menfin said:
Je ne suis pas sur d'avoir bien compris.
Est-ce que ceci correspond à votre demande?Bonjours !!
non hélas, ce n'est pas cela... en fait ce serait un plugin ou l'on pourrait vérouiller une surface sur un volume cubique, ensuite quand on tire ou pousse une face, (la rouge sur le dessin, ) la face blanche se pousse tire elle meme pour que la surface verte reste la permet par exemple, quand on est en recherche sur un projet d'archi, de tester plein de configuration pour une piece donné, et de vite voir les piece les une par rapport aux autres...
je ne sais pas si j'ai été clair...
I keep searchig... way is long
En effet, je n'avais pas compris, je suis vraiment passé à côté.
Je me disais aussi....
J'ai fait une tentative de plugin, mais avec la commande "move"Voir ici, si cela est intéressant
@ menfin
c'est vraiment sa ducoup. je crois que tu y arrivéj'aimerais vraiment pouvoir programmer un peu çà n'a pas l'air trop compliqué...
Pense tu que ce plugin pourrai se faire à la maniére des fredo scale avec un outil programmer pour cela sans passer par les boite de dialogues?
En tout tu as vu juste, et le fait de mettre se sur youtube c'est vraiment sympa!! mercijaimerais bien, un jour pouvoir enrichir la communauté des plugeur...
je me contente de mettre du mobilier sur 3D warehouse pour l'instant... -
Ce plugin peut sans doute être exploité autrement, mais cela est au delà de mes compétences...
En tout cas, si tu as besoin du code pour avancer, fais le moi savoir.