Matte vs Glossy
@planner dude said:
Anyone have a preference for matte or glossy lcd screens? Does one scratch easier?
I faced that choice also. I opted for the matte
after checking out the glossy. While glossy is
probably better for movies, matte is far better
for graphics.Mike
i agree matte is definately better for working on
Matte... much better for glare too...
@planner dude said:
Thanks to everyone on these forumes that put up with my hardware questions.
Yesterday I put in and order for the SR 2.2GHZ Core2 Duo Macbook Pro with a matte screen. I am excited! This will be my first mac.Hey Dude Planner, you won't need those thick
glasses and you'll find you won't be pulling
your hair out so you'll have to post an new