Sketchup into streetview
Very effective technique.
Honestly--as a former Planning and Zoning commissioner myself. . .it's hard to imagine what the dispute issue on design and style would be in this neighborhood. It's a nice area and all, but pretty typical, and I don't think what you are proposing as out of line in any way. Was it about height restrictions? or Blocking someone's view?
Thanks zapwizard
David - Planning was actually passed for this job. Then a neighbour (the house to the left) disputed it, therefore now it's gone to the judgement of the council. At first she said it was due to height issues, loss of light etc. but she's now changed it to design and style issues. I'm glad she made that decision because I think she would have had a better chance with her initial argument!All too often these days we don't get approval for absolutely no good reason though. It's just like they have to have their say for the sake of it!
Recently an end terrace house was going to have its gable end built up, and instead they forced it to be changed to a large side now doesn't fit in at all and looks stupid.
More recently we were told by a planning officer that planning would 100% definitely be approved, and that the final paperwork would be through soon. We should have waited really but it was highly beneficial to the client to start ASAP so we did. Then quite a while later we were informed by the officer that his boss at the last minute over ruled him and the dormer would now be around 2meters smaller!Anyway, rant over haha sort of hijacked my own thread there....
From the position the pic was taken I cannot see a problem with the roof lift / dormers. But before making a decision I would like to see a before and after from the neighbour's position.
Just thinking out loud! Maybe it might be worth showing what the neighbour's house would look like with a similar extension? Currently the neighbour is probably seeing the proposed extension as dominating their house, so showing them how their house could look with a similar extension might help alleviate the situation AND you might even get a second job, at least a design / planning job! I would propose that your client pay for the rough up design but it might be a cheap solution!
I have used this tact to good effect a couple of times in the past for congested terrace and semi detached rear extensions and it works if the neighbour is at all reasonable and more so if they value something for nothing!
The old saying, 'What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander!' comes to mind.
The stone walls in the foreground are too clean and perhaps need a better texture...
Really, it looks unreal. I'd be complaining about that place on the corner, how they paved their lot and built a wall to the street both sides. Probably a council member lives there.
Actually I never do complain...
But do I gripe about planning officials. Had the same thing happen on a job recently. Get it in writing! Next time I will record the interview on my iPhone. They told the owner and me exactly what do and no permissions. Then the owner goes in with the plans and is told they must get permission from their neighbors who are off on vacation. grrrrrr
Mike - Hmmm that's an idea, if I get the chance I may do that. Then again with this person's attitude I'm not sure how much good it will do! haha
Pbacot - The funny thing is, if I saw that stone wall in someone's vray render, I'd probably think "they need to get a more realistic texture on that.."
How strange
You might be surprised at their reaction! All most folks want to do is protect the value of their properties at the end of the day. I imagine this is what the neighbour is concerned about.
If your client manages to get past the planning and erects the extension, what is to stop them (your client) from complaining if the neighbour applies for a similar extension at a future date?
I think the neighbour may well look at things in a logical fashion if presented with an 'image'. I think its well worth a try
BTW, if you do a presentation for the neighbour, only show it to them, don't leave it with them. However, advise that you will send it to them if they want to examine it more closely ....... I've been at this 'game' for a while
Keep us posted on progress. I am interested in seeing how SU can help to cause!
Interesting idea for sure.. I'll pass it on to my colleague who will be doing the actual presentation with council & client. I'm brand new here (17) so for now I'm strictly behind the scenes
Just thought I'd update this, the meeting apparently went well, planning completely passed, and very nice comments from planning/council representatives!
@unknownuser said:
very nice comments from planning/council representatives!
What? you mean they didn't comment on the stone texture?
They didn't say anything, although I saw some disappointed looks