V5 Beta MOI 3D on MAC / PC April 2022 !
SKetchup -->obj By Tig for free version of Sketchup
Import OBJ --> Moi by Max Smirnov
Export OBJ from Moi (Quad + Triangle)By Michael Gibson
Import OBJ --> Moi by Max Smirnov
Subdiv Max Smirnov -
By Max Smirnov!
Pilou, is there some kind of Layout for MOI?
@ Jql: Not yet, maybe sizing in the V 4.0 !
@pilou said:
@ Jql: Not yet, maybe sizing in the V 4.0 !
I absolutely loved the way the modeling is performed on the videos you put on the thread. I can't live without the SU+LO workflow though. Even with all it's flaws, it's the best thing that happened to me since a long time.
MOI modelling though... is very good looking.
It could be a nice addition to the arsenal but I don't like switching to and from a lot of software as I like to model without a break. This MOI is really sexy but I think this might be the greatest advantage of SU over MOI or other software for me.
With SU (specially now with 64 bits) I can have a hub model where everything falls into place and all my needed output can be created I mean:
- Model with SU;
- Render with Thea inside SU;
- Walkthrough with SU;
- Texture creation with Gimp;
- Post pro with Gimp but I'm switching to Krita wich is impressive and has 16 to 32 bit support. (If I could had the normalmap maker plugin to Krita I'd ditch Gimp);
- And then 2D output with Layout;
- Nanocad just for fixing cad exports when people complain and prepare dwg for import into SU.
The day MOI or anyother will do all this it's the day SU starts to be questioned in my office.
I'll keep wanting to model that way though and I'll keep peeping at this post.
You can try also something who is between SU and Moi3D (it's free and has SKP export)
DesignSpark 64 Bits (who is formerly SpaceClaim light) so Sketchup on Steroรฏds!
You can load Billions of Free Objects or create from zero!
Here an Object that I have loaded then you can modify it to the infinite!
Then reloaded in Su after modifications!
Thanks Pilou
I also seen you post that one. It seems very good for components that you can model independently from your sketchup model. However I really have to model most stuff inside SU as my models are architectural. It's another one wich feels like having all the right modelling tools but lack all the juice one needs.
It might be worth the look as it's got a very inteligent push/pull tool. I don't understand why sketchup developers don't put a greater effort towards developing existing tools. It's not that pushpull is not a cool 3D starting method, it's just that the only advanced thing you can do with it is duplicating a face (wich gets a lot of reversed face errors by the way).
MOI and that one really are examples to follow and I do believe that if they'd have half the popularity of Sketchup... Maybe Trimble won't let it Tremble.
by Ed Ferguson
New function Scale and Split accepts Ngons !
By Max SmirnovA trick for the sSplit : don't select only the volume, but select the volume then use the Browser for select faces!
Split edges releaded
Knife is implicite!
A simple Boolean Diff make the trick -
new version sSplit
By James Elliott
Seems like we need an Onshape thread...
This one does have Layout alike functionality and it seems good! Have you seen architectural examples?
It's a CAD program. It will be perfect for mechanical pieces. Or design object like bicycles, cars, furnitures etc...
For big complex architectural project that will be more hard but very cool for "architectural structure" or small houses and details concepts.The only "real limitation" for free use is the 5 gigas hosting! (see video above)
And big advantage it has a very cool new concept of animation!
Minute 0.42 -
Is that cool or what?
Autocad started as mechancal cad too.