Sketch physics Character Rigging
Ok, im new to sketch physics but i am learning alot lately, originally i was promted to rig characters in sketch physics but have no idea where to start, is it really possible to rig characters in sketch physics and if so can ye post up some examples so i can work off
I am not sure what you mean by "character rigging". Are you talking about creating a human-like figure with articulated joints that can be controlled by Sketchyphysics controlled servos?
If so, what do you want to create in the end? Are you trying to make a programmable animation of a human figure, or do you want to produce some kind of video of the action?
I have seen this clip on youtube, this is exactly what i would like recreate
Well, there's a Keyframe Animation plugin that could do this, in which you re-position limbs for each keyframe, then let the plugin generate the 'between' frames.
There are, I think,articulated 3D figures that are set up for this kind of posing, but not connected to Sketchyphysics joints, so you'd have to do that part yourself.
Or, maybe what you want is something more like this:
This is an animation sequence created largely using Miku Miku Dance, which I posted about at:
The background "stage" is an imported SketchUp model called "Old Town Squere fachwerk style" from the 3D Warehouse. It was converted using a plugin for import into Miku Dance.
Whow, just being watching some of those MMD tutorials on youtube, if only this could be done in sketchup itself independantly, i cant use MMD as i cant import my characters into MMD from sketchup to rigg my characters
I think there's a program called "PMD Editor" for creating or modifying the figures. I have never used MMD myself, but have read a bit about it. Personally, I'd love for there to be more interaction between the two user communities.
This is a character i created that i would like to rig, if sketchup had a rigging system lke MMD that would be great