Sketchup,maxwell and photoshop used for this image.I used a lot of the same techniques in post processing here as I did with the STORM image recently uploaded,in fact the foreground wet grass is the same layer just copied over.A light bloom was added to the bright windows and a small amount of fog/mist was added to the road.
Yes beautiful indeed....
original unprocessed image attached
Fantastic work. Thanks for posting the original as well. That allows your skill to show all the more.
another view showing more of the scheme and more of the saturated grass.
Somehow the houses look like a cardboard model, and the cars, in comparison, look like pasted from photographs. The blurriness seems to accentuate the "model photograph" effect. Is the image about the cars, or the houses?
Its actually about neither.As I have said before I am primarily interested in mood and am more than willing to sacrifice detail for the effect I am looking for.For a lot of the 3d images I do for clients,there preference is always for high sun,bright blue sky and sharp shadows.And thats ok, I understand why they want it like that, but I also like to play around with the lighting,textures etc for some images.If it was just a case of hit render and the image is finished,I would have absolutely zero interest in doing it.
i'm missing people or furniture into the houses. Like the final result.
Good job!