Horse head
@michaliszissiou said:
You may ask mods to delete this thread.
I'm not going to do that. Sorry. I guess I took this a little too far.
@box said:
It is far from wrong to post here!!!
It's lovely work and all related to 3D modelling.
It is lovely work and I don't mean to take anything away from Michalis' art. However, this is a SketchUp forum.
Please don't understand me wrong. Of course, I know that SketchUp cannot do everything and that for many projects, other programs are a whole lot more useful. I also realize that using a variety of programs, even on one project, can make everything go a whole lot more smooth and quick. However, this being a SketchUp forum, I believe most things posted in here should have at least part of the workflow done in SketchUp.
What about a subsection of the Gallery dedicated to 'Other Modelling Software'? That would definitely be a cool forum.
By your definition only sketchup output should be posted in the gallery.
That leaves out an awful lot of Renders.
Yes it's a sketchup forum, but it is a Forum! a place for like minded people to discuss things of similar interest.
And besides that, Michalis does use sketchup, and I for one find it interesting and informative the way he is able to combine various techniques and bring them together in sketchup. -
As I remember, we had a discussion about digital sculpting, a dedicated topic, even a classroom , why not? There're excellent and free apps around. Importing to SU isn't so complicated as it looks. Just this limitation of 64k tri meshes.
My two cents:
I wish for Michalis to continue posting his work and thoughts. Diverse ideas reduce stagnation.
Specifically on the horse head: I like your style and sense of proportion. Again, diversity in perception.A window into your creative mind.
@box said:
By your definition only sketchup output should be posted in the gallery.
That leaves out an awful lot of Renders.
Uh, what definition? Don't put words in my mouth.
@sketchupnoobie said:
However, this being a SketchUp forum, I believe most things posted in here should have at least part of the workflow done in SketchUp.
@box said:
Yes it's a sketchup forum, but it is a Forum! a place for like minded people to discuss things of similar interest.
And besides that, Michalis does use sketchup, and I for one find it interesting and informative the way he is able to combine various techniques and bring them together in sketchup.You have a point. I didn't see much use of SketchUp but if he says he uses it I am not one to judge. I am simply one to stand in awe of such an amazing work.
Again, I think I took this too far and am sorry for any misunderstanding. I apologize to Michalis, Box, and anyone else I may have offended.
Nice Horse Head. . .looks all ready to put into some movie producer's bed!
Thanks for these kind compliments. I appreciate this.
SketchupNoobie has a point though. A more dedicated topic could be nice. I like the forum, thats all.
In fact, I started learning (and buying) many sculpting apps, all the 'dirty' tricks as baking hi res to low meshes etc, all this impulse came from modeling and texturing in SU.
Just remind you this, when push pull on a texture, trying to fix mapping face by face, lot of fun... -
Modern art of accumulation!
Nice lights! -
WOW long long time ago. I remember this in the old Podium days. Still such a great image.
Out of interrest. Is this a hobby of yours or are you involved in earning money from your skillz? -
Thank you, all of you
I'm a traditional artist, this started as a hobby. In fact, this gallery scene is a 3d reproduction of one of my shows back in '92. A not so traditional lol.
But you never know, a new medium of art, a new virtual renaissance, virtual money and virtual success.
OK we already have seen virtual money -
@michaliszissiou said:
What are other options? ... To use artisan plugin? SU isn't a sculpting tool, better use it to set up a scene and fill it with sculpts.
Nice to see you are still keeping up the good work, michalis!
And your Artisan avatar -
Thanks numbthumb, I really like this green creature.
Artisan is excellent in some other cases, not for massive sculpting with precision. Though its also useful for setting base meshes into the scene. Export in sculptris or blender and finish it. There're some more, baking into a UV map, painting bumps in real time etc etc . -
Hi Box,
I agree with you
I love to play with such programs. I have installed Meshmixer Sculptris some time ago. I find these programs are a good addition to Sketchup. Sometimes one opens up the operation until later experiments.
Great sculpting charly2008! Post some more.
Hi Michalis,
I've used for the examples only the included items from Meshmixer. Only the cube I have imported from SketchUp. But I will continue to work on my own creations.
very cool modern art room michaliszissiou
La sculpture 3D est beaucoup plus intéressant et plus difficile, IMO, qu'essayer de faire revivre une scène réelle dans une salle d'art.