Bugatti veyron
I jut dont know one thing, i have applied the same material on both sides, but one is whitish an the other is greyish
tied a lot but same results
I've been wanting to use this car for a sample I was doing, and became curious as to the two tone look you are getting, so I did a quick sample in Thea, but lucky for me it looks fine.
Sorry I'm not more helpful than this. If I had gotten the two tone look I'd be trying more in both SU, and my renderer.The warehouse has a few different Bugattis, by different names, try some other ones to see if that works for you.
Perhaps back-faces that do mess keyshot result (With normal materials Thea handles back-faces gracefully, so issue might not be seen even the scene is same). Take a look on the model with the monochromatic view. If you see blue faces... time to inverse.
@notareal said:
Perhaps back-faces that do mess keyshot result (With normal materials Thea handles back-faces gracefully, so issue might not be seen even the scene is same). Take a look on the model with the monochromatic view. If you see blue faces... time to inverse.
That would be my guess, too. Not only the white is different but the blue is also darker on the "grey" half.