Chain that works with no joints
This is chain that works in SP 3.2 or higher. It gets around the problem of all collison surfaces needing to be convex by making the links from smaller components that are each entirely convex and set as a group to collide. Then each link is grouped to keep the smaller parts together. It isn't very strong but it illustrates how to work around the convexity problem. Surfaces that are concave at any point cannot be made to collide since the required math is too complex to do in real time.
The chain can be made prettier with a little more work but it will increase the polygon count. That can be kept under control by making the links components instead of groups. The chain may be made longer by copying a section and pasting it in place. The copy will inherit the properties and since there are no joints that will work fine. Edit: If it runs too slow on your 'puter then delete some of the chains and turn off shadows. Also, you can use this to create a realistic draped, hung, drooping, pile, bucket of chain. Set it up in SP and do whatever you want with the chain. Then on the Edit menu "Select all" and "Copy". That will copy the current state of the simulation which can then be pasted after the simulation is stopped. The resulting model may then be used in a static model.