⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Comments please!
In my opinion, it's a very good scene and materials are top-notch, the only problem I see it's that the light isn't provided from the window (in fact I think is a picture applied there) and the scene, if I'm not in error, is enlighten by two different sources (i see the projected image of the lamp on the wall with the window) , better use an hdri image, you'll see the difference (put gamma value 1.2 if you use kerkythea).
Thank U for your comments! This has been my second attempt to render a scene so I am quite pleased from your comments! I think you are right though about the light source... It doesn t look real enough! I ll be working on that and try to find my way around hdr images too!
Thanks again!