Ruby Code Snippets
What do you think to initiate a discussion, named "Ruby Code Snippets",Sketchup Specific, to help new commer to Ruby to grasp the BASICSpatterns of programming.
@larsen said:
What do you think to initiate a discussion, named "Ruby Code Snippets",Sketchup Specific, totally independant of "Developers' Forum" to help new commer to Ruby to grasp the BASICSpatterns of programming.
Sounds interesting, but I'm confused on how SketchUp specific Ruby discussion would help newcomers to understand basic programming pattern. Basic programming patterns is a generic thing - so how would you go SketchUp specific? Or even why?
Imagine a newbie who knows the ABC of Ruby programming. He's lost among 1000 code lines and doesn't grasp the essence of a plugin. Snippet (10 or so of lines) does.
Thnxs. -
@larsen said:
Imagine a newbie who knows the ABC of Ruby programming. He's lost among 1000 code lines and doesn't grasp the essence of a plugin. Snippet (10 or so of lines) does.
Thnxs.Yes - as long as one makes the assumption that they know the basics of the language.
Have you looked at the snippets linked in the previous link? Got a particular concept in mind? Particular beginner issues to address?
There are lots of snippets lying around. I started a video tutorial series where I specify a simple task then write the code to accomplish, explaining line by line what the code is doing. The API also has many snippets of code in it (definietly could use more, slightly more robust snippets).
I like the idea of doing more to help beginners figure things out for sure. I still have not figured out the precise best way to do it though.
Tons of snippets are lying around, but few have 3D-SU goals/concept. What I would tell is that SU is specific for concepts relating to 3D expressions. Such concepts would first be enumerated: concept of rotating , concepts of translation, and so on. A master of SU-Ruby (I am keen to tell Gouru for their overwhelming production under rbs label --with some exceptions--) would express a concept with easyness parcimony, not at the hand of a novice. And then the motivated novice, I am sure will test the snippet, rearrange it and ONE day childbirth (!) snippets which will became a plugin NOT rbs one.
Cogitations or Hallucinations, it's up to you to judge.I am ashamed to tell thanks for my ignorance.
You seen this:
Yes, I know the site of martinrinehart.
I stumbled upon this post:
Ruby Script Video Tutorial - Multiple PushPull Script
Postby Chris Fullmer on Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:53 am
Hi, this video shows how to write a script the does a push/pull over many selected faces. Its about 10 lines of code, and I explain it in under 5 minutes. I could even be simplified down to 1 line of code really. But that is pretty dense code. So writing it in 10 lines is easier to readI would not have said it better.
Thanks Chris.
Here another post by Chris who illustrate my idea (His idea).
Ruby Script Video Tutorial - add Construction Points
Postby Chris Fullmer on Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:39 pm
Ok, this is my first attempt at a real time, script writing tutorial. I might do another here shortly. I know some people are not fond of my videos, so I've done this to spite themAnd I've heard some people like the videos a lot, so those people are allowed to watch and listen.
But I warn you, this is Ruby scripting in real time. So its not super duper exciting, unless you like Ruby or want to learn to script.
It's only about 6 lines of code, so you can't get too confusedI hope.
ENDYou're RIGHT Chris.
What else.
Sorry, but I'm really good at lurking..
Have you noticed my Ruby Newbie's Guide to Getting Started
which points at RUBY RESOURCES
I am not talking about RUBY RESOURCES, but about perception process. By the way, do you know from whom we inherited lurking?
@larsen said:
By the way, do you know from whom we inherited lurking?
@unknownuser said:
1250–1300; ME lurken, freq. of lower2; cf. Norw lurka to sneak away@unknownuser said:
... probably from Scandinavian (cf. dial. Norw. lurka "to sneak away," dial. Swed. lurka "to be slow in one's work"), perhaps ult. related to M.E. luren "to frown, lurk"So it probably came from Viking Norse, via Middle English, as a result of the Norse invasion into Britain (circa 875-950.)
Didn't read all of the above, how about this SketchUcation Topic? Been there lots of time to look at stuff. Thanks to Jim!!!
Very interesting link.
"snippet" does not mean 'small' ...
... it means some code that you can 'cut and paste' into your own code project.
@dan rathbun said:
"snippet" does not mean 'small' ...
If we're being pedantic then "snippet" is the diminutive of "snip" so it does in fact mean "a small portion of".
Ok fine.. I'll give ya that.
But he wants a word that is smaller than small (limited to 10 lines.)
How about pygmy code or pygmy snippet ??
How about compiling a list of simple plugins that newbies can learn from? I find it is really helpful to learn from something that actually does something useful. We can develop a list of existing plugins, that are well-written, short, and accomplish something useful. I've learned alot from reading other people's code, and it definitely would've been useful to me to have a short list of plugins to download and learn from.
I think that lots of people on this forum could develop a short list of their plugins that would help a beginner. This would provide an excellent resource without sapping TONS of time.