Twilight project
We started this week with the reconstruction. I hope that we are finished at the end of the week.
Ooohhh... It's always great to see a project comming to life...
Is that a render
or a photo?
and the next step is done
most of the work is finished. Next week, we're going to make the decoration.
nearly finished.
OK... Although it's easy to see the difference between real and render, the render is really good...
As you can see yourself, the fake emitter in the spot lights need to be increased in power and the floor also need some extra glossiness...
Overall really nice to see this project evolving... -
Right Frederik, I second that. It is very rare to see a whole project documented - I like to watch that.
Good job jo-ke! -
thank you very much for your c+c. it was very helpfull.
I am going to make a new render and a new foto next week, when everything is on its place.
decoration is done, so I've done a final render.
great job, jo-ke,
perhaps an emitting plane outside the skylight to boost the lighting there, or just increasing brightness of the sky would have worked.putting a render next to a real photo is always risky... but it's a great way to learn/hone your skills.